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Lithium Batteries - Component

UL Listing

UL Certified

Product Code (UL CCN):
The document listing is represented by a combination of the UL CCN and File Number. A UL CCN (Category Control Number) is the code that represents the Product Category (Category Description). See below for more info on those terms.

Product CategoryThe Product Category, also known as the UL Category Description, describes the product classification under which an item or product is listed.

Lithium Batteries - Component

File Number

File NumberA code UL has assigned to identify and track this listing.


Model Number(s)

Model Number(s)Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing.

485658AR, 504568P, 484861AR, 486087PLV, 495060AR, 495060AREV, 495063AREV, 495147AR, 484461AR-1500, 4... More


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485658AR 504568P 484861AR 486087PLV 495060AR 495060AREV 495063AREV 495147AR 484461AR-1500 495148AR 505760ARV 504081PLN 523442AR 504655AR 505656PL 484461AR 464655AR 506083PL 512880PL 515284PL 495151AR 465148AR 444862AR 446580PL 676991PL 523446AR 454354AR 454461AR 454461AR-1550 454649AR 4548122PL 465148AR-1200 464556ARE 484460A 465255A 465255AR 465558AR 466090PLV 474040AR 474657Ar 474943AR 484261AR 484451A 484453AR 454854PL HD424355AR 664246ARV 644364AR 674456AR 703470PL 753653AR 805068PLV 805575PL 805592PLV 905084PL 604152AR HD063450AR 594639AR HD433048A HD443443A HD503450A HD523436A HD523450A HD533442AR HD673447A LSDZ525446ARV 444350AR 395165ARV 925084PLV 534450AR-1450 523450AR 523450AR-1030 523450AR-1100 523450AR-1200 523838A 524280PL 524846AR 525171ARV 525986PL 605652AR 534450AR 523450A 544957AR 545148AR 545148AR-1700 545653AR 555272PV 556797PLN 565983PLV 584081PLN 585264AR 594160AR 533442AR 366684Ar 375867PV 355874AR 356170AREV 356173AREV 3645109PV 365060ARE 365474ArV 365574AR 365770AR 436161ARV 366476AR 3543108PLV 373757AR 374066AR 375061AR 375072AR 375357AR 375474AR 375653AREV 375766PLV 375771ARV 366082AR 355567AR 354461AR 103450A 105075PLT 296888PV 335872PLV 336283PLV 344261AR 345072AR 345072ARE 395569ArV 424060A 405671PV 406168AR 406478PLV 415656PL 415664PLV 415793PL 416282PLV 423282PL 423443A 405569AR 424046A 406378PL 424455AR 424850AR 425458AR 425473PL 433846AR 435253AR 435573PL 376175PV 346484AR 423450AR 394461AR 376270AREV 383450 383450A-720 384649AR 385057AR 385174AR 385469PLV 414260AR 386075PLV 405363AREV 394465AR 395460P 404459ARV 405285PL 385567AR 405178AR 395775PL 404459AR 404455AR 404453AR 403855AR 396270AREV 396066AR 475546PLV 594459PLW 303994PV 3049118PV 3349118PV 355864PLV 333994PV 386576PV 405562PLV 504955AR 426690PLN 4242112PLV 4346112PLV 405887PLV 455885PLV 4640101PLN 343993PV 3449108PV 376480PLN 386283PN 394595PN 363292PLZ 363392PLZ 395981PLN 635275PLV ABI-L103448AR 4339113PLV 6060100PL 653665PL 703847PL 523450PL 525265PL 584158PLV 525569PL 323993PV 3249108PV 423857PV 415780PLV 423457PV 416589PN 386576PH 955565PL 426786PLN 684546PLV 3447107PLV 3543112PLV 4045100PLV 416272PV 416081PLN 406990PLN 406690PLN 382927PL 386382PLN 386479PLN 453449ARV 533461 386082PLN KPL454261 476280PLN KPL695759 KPL584070 KPL435483 KPL335761 KPL303449

CompanyThe Company that holds the listing with UL.



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