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Lithium Batteries - Component

UL Listing

UL Certified

Product Code (UL CCN):
The document listing is represented by a combination of the UL CCN and File Number. A UL CCN (Category Control Number) is the code that represents the Product Category (Category Description). See below for more info on those terms.

Product CategoryThe Product Category, also known as the UL Category Description, describes the product classification under which an item or product is listed.

Lithium Batteries - Component

File Number

File NumberA code UL has assigned to identify and track this listing.


Model Number(s)

Model Number(s)Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing.

U053450AR, U062258A, 733457P, U053830AR, U053830A, U053654A, U053640A, U062246A, U053455A, U053450AR... More


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*** Note: This page does not show all models included in this listing. Log in to the full site to see all models. ***
U053450AR U062258A 733457P U053830AR U053830A U053654A U053640A U062246A U053455A U053450ARLL U053450ARH U053450AL U053450A U053445A U063040AL U063470A U053448A U053445AL U053446A U053450ARL U063465A U073465A U073459A U043048A U053443ARLL U073450A U064136ARL U064136AR U063830AR U063465AL U063465ALL U063048A U063450ARHH U063450ARH U063450A U063448AH U063448A U063446AR U063048AL U063048AH U063470AL 903132PHR U043442A U043440AR U043440A U043048AH U043046A U043045A U043040A U033048AH U043048AL 903450P U043450A 851719P 814298PVT 802036P 7862100P 7849116P 782169P U073465AL U554059AH U033048A U053048AHH U053443ARH U053443AR U053443AH U053443A U053436AH U053436A U053435A U053430A U043443A U053048AL U043446A U053048AH U053048A U053040AL U053040AH U053040A U044359AR U043450AL U043450AH U053443ARL U053048AM U523450ARL U554065A U062246AH U554059A 723250P U554049A U543440AL U533467A U523857A U485879P U523830AR U564248AL U523450ARH U523450AR U523450AL U523450AH U523450A U523443ARH U523040AH U554049AH U523846A U863048A UN423450A UN083448A UN063450AR UN053442A UN043443A UM083448A UC423450A UC063450AR U554065AL UC043443A U564248A U855060PG U733466AL U694565A U694557A U6858103PV U664051A U663465A U633770AL U464042AR UC053442A U274079PG U383450A U383448A U383442A U363450AL U363450AH U363450A U363448AH U363048A U486892PG U292833PTHR U413443AR U103450ARH U103450AR U094365A U094355A U083048AL U073770AL U073470A U073465ALLL U353455A U423450A U463440AH U463042A U433450AR U433446ARL U433446ARH U433446AR U425149AR U423856A U383455A U423450AL U394060A U423446A U423046A U423045A U423042A U414458A U413450ARL U413450AR U413443ARL U073465ALL U423450ARL 373958AR 401030P 395157AR 395074ARV 395074AR 394658AR 385471AR 384260P 375874P 3358101PV 374663AR 401230P 372927P 365072AR 365064AR 364260AR 360816PV 357292P 3564130P 422654P 375661AR 407096P 422339P 4175103P 416666P 416666AR 4161132P 415367AR 414461AR 414459ARV 401132P 407096PHR 401222P 4069100P 406067AR 403450PHR 403040P 402535P 402030P 402025P 401426P 335466P 413459AR 081831P 072840PG 054041AR 044054AR 043857ARS 341430P 103250P 721547PV U063040A 2984145P 333437PG 3274103P 325486P 306992P-2100mAh 306992P 305456P 3053155P 3045150P 102530P 30100100P 103048P 2874103P 2867144P 283562P 272927PG 26106156 242122P 233759P 181831P 385253AR 301836P 551140P/210mAh 5166113P 585264AR 585074ARS 584473P 561836P 5579111P 554461AR 553770P 552535PHR 602439P 551140P 545795P 534442AR 533272P 533268P 525477AR 523450P 523450 521042P 553759P 623745P 705085P 704260P 675365P 663048P 652730P 643960AH 643960A 632535P 601050P 623765P 605365P 623381P 382020P 606660P 422874P 605060P 604854P 604162AR 603448P 603048PHR 623850AR 433481P 454942P 454461AR 454354AR 454261P 445155AR 444655AR 443441P 434865AR 463496P 433856A 444855AR 433450AR 426381P 425149ARH 425149AR 424872P 424455AR 5158110P 616095PV 434555P 503030P 505573P 504783P 444350AR 503562P 464456AR 502243P 502030 501831P 501224P 495148AR 484461ARH 482726PV 503759P 491738PG 464854P 484461AR 484461ARL 423562P 491738P 423383AR EU395057ARV LP603443 EU624474AR EU464861ARV EU425872ARV EU415869ARV EU375975AR EU365679ARV EU345973ARV EU416578ARV U5156113P U502040PG U603080P U602244P U406074ARVS U406074ARV U395074ARV U303555PHR U184977PG U463042PG U416376ARV U414459ARV 357090P 2662141P 2969100P 307098P 2773180P 274079P 441722P U784143PG 992248P U568060P U522535PG U802025P U493446PG U323450P U2870152P U28100103P U462428PG U4148104PV 302631PH 522826P 623442P 422831PV 471530PG 18650/1800mAh U102245P LP952540 U307882P U552343P U601335P U952540PG U651340P U801437P U751340P U684698P U881733P U393994PV U506063PHR U4766133PV U403450PHR U602245P U541830P U802550P U501540 U13450P U13390P U11330P U10380P U10440P U08570PL U08570P U08500P U08400P U95520P U47250PHV U633039P CHY18650/2500mAh CHY18650/2000mAh UEM18650/2200mAh UEM18650/2000mAh UEM18650/1800mAh UEM18650/1500mAh UCN18650/2600mAh UCN18650/2500mAh UCN18650/2400mAh 463447PHR U2968180PV U603048PVG U463447PHR 31100103PV 30100103P 28100103P 3060143PV 552343P 801729P 721836P 681846P 4645134PV 461436P 5074116PV 501015P 3062141PV 307882P YI402830PV 601113P 541112P 801828P 4678108PV U3062141PV U292125PHV U102033P U822128P U802026P U992234P U471021PV U353448P U694063P U605063PVG U904261PVG LP615357JU UCN18650/2000mAh UPN18650/2200mAh USN18650/2500mAh USN18650/2400mAh USN18650/2200mAh USN18650/2000mAh USN18650/1800mAh URN18650/2500mAh URN18650/2400mAh URN18650/2200mAh URN18650/2000mAh URN18650/1800mAh UEN18650/1800mAh UEN18650/2000mAh UEN18650/2200mAh UHN18650/2400mAh UHN18650/2500mAh UPN18650/2500mAh UPN18650/2400mAh UPN18650/1800mAh UPN18650/2000mAh UPN18650/2600mAh USN18650/2600mAh URN18650/2600mAh UHN18650/2600mAh U297882PV U2957133PVB U2872129PV U31102104PV U3485131PV U102229P U288290P U368078PHV U735144PHV U509068PVB U516698PV U577788PV U602534P U2766122PV U5268101P U527278PV EU413858ARS EU523450AR U3062136PHV U3552108PV U3285131PV U2676177PV U723655P U923144PV U519068PV

CompanyThe Company that holds the listing with UL.



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