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Connectors for Use in Data, Signal, Control and Power Applications - Component

UL Listing

UL Certified

Product Code (UL CCN):
The document listing is represented by a combination of the UL CCN and File Number. A UL CCN (Category Control Number) is the code that represents the Product Category (Category Description). See below for more info on those terms.

Product CategoryThe Product Category, also known as the UL Category Description, describes the product classification under which an item or product is listed.

Connectors for Use in Data, Signal, Control and Power Applications - Component

File Number

File NumberA code UL has assigned to identify and track this listing.


Model Number(s)

Model Number(s)Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing.

75861, 205979, Header Series 46511, 503366, 5379, Header Series 171056, 75862, 173300, Header Series... More


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*** Note: This page does not show all models included in this listing. Log in to the full site to see all models. ***
75861 205979 Header Series 46511 503366 5379 Header Series 171056 75862 173300 Header Series 171654 55492 75863 Receptacle Series 46528 170650 173708-0001 171529 171208 78757 47352 214114-XXXX 171315 171495 78453 75864 104047 68168 53618 53259 43061 35301 206461 5428 5234 75874 5196 90571 170340 87720 87012 74305 70974 67491 75875 52011 45830 40509 40387 171740 6700 5332 87258 204313-xx18 75876 85160 85017 85001 74162 71308 70571 70556 70544 70389 70365 70309 70259 70213 75877 70192 70066 68313 70240 68300 53320 75878 53296 53105 52483 52299 52107 42377 8676 47296 204900 75879 87975 87575 87404 78486 78810A 78053 76092 76047 75734 75451 90584 75880 206741 49555 45002 44068 43301 42400 41209 40374 35955 35153 2562 1028 75937 76150 76165 204358 78234 75991 76910 172480 171755 151013 93725 172043 75954 171575 503110 104238-0110 73415-8260 170469 171960 172260 209225-0004 105313 78809 171743 45661 151053 75959 78730 151107 503480 53375$ 5025$ 53264$ 54122$ 151063 151038 75966 200453 151117 172510 501920 502443 78446 78214 73656 78797 73942 206306 78070 78317 85100 85109 85158 46409 203341 46817 Series 209208 71182 74058 71631 74150 74029 74075 74467 505570 74026 45719 75542 74059 45506 45515 505448 45524 214115-XXXX 45536 45546 45635 74061 89462 89221 82034 71565 67329 54329 104051 74062 91779 90871 209141 87984 74071 87901 87843 87679 74076 87564 87545 87433 87366 87327 73175-0240 87273 74600 87049 78915 78019 71741 68165 173159 55270 54417 54085 74649 53777 53396 52841 52643 52484 93802 51110 204316-xx18 48336 74650 47639 35362 30452 5483 207263 74651 93270 87775 87527 74658 54017 90142 74659 03-06-2054 74670 104121 209311 03-06-2055 205971 53517$ 42641 206832 74695 03-06-1055 74696 502352 87124 41000 87394 52988 52287 03-06-1056 7712 87803 87978 74697 87645 87122 78964 78920 78841 78360 78192 78005 71796 71006 6422 74979 211454 74980 74981 172374 74984 5395 75117 208659 173425 172020 53720 53266 75165 51103 45579 35328 35155 51142$ 51296$ 51163 205972 5199 75189 90663 87571 74307 73776 71247 70121 75190 53619 52147 TinMan Series 76715 46132 76871 40512 75191 40503 76846 207478 76985 5340 90160 87424 C7092 75192 85042 85009 75100 76530 71850 75194 70574 70545 70450 70392 70375 70343 70268 75195 70219 70203 70181 70242 68311 68303 75196 53323 171294 170472 170518 53299 75197 53108 52506 52385 52112 8724 75319 75198 105009 90423 35181-xxx9 87511 503473 75199 87221 78285 76100 75783 75460 203632 73086 75286 52487 46068 44234 43603 43101 41645 75296 35965 35180 6697 2796 151214 1852 76450 76155 75298 212194-xx18 78237 151149 505596 104266-0210 171224 172470 151171 172512 78503 75299 76015 151006 73415-8340 78373 170382 75346 73415-7831 104085 500596 53253 36792 55456 46553 75888 53460 207479 150178 172287 54122 76021 46770 500599 501568 76352 71349 87979 170540 78795 76116 104204 160105 78393 501645 173713 151194 170660 78775 78832A 76117 204318-xxx6 204523 172104 171571 76560 93616 172005 78798 76134 75668 78794 73415-8330 46710-XXXX% 104188-0120 151148 204510 104112 76135 78442 78213 90136 93051 78312 46765 203245 170200 76136 TinMan Series 76710 76289 76989 78382 170350 76137 78572 RAST, Cat. Nos. 92336, 92338 and 92339 93057 171293 170335 170517 76760 171065 78692 503471 93244 93395 78574 76761 78359 78407 87762 73415-7830 502578 36791 51405 46537 76762 171010 78740 78500 6963 90779 76763

CompanyThe Company that holds the listing with UL.

Molex L L C


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