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Connectors for Use in Data, Signal, Control and Power Applications Certified for Canada - Component

UL Listing

UL Certified

Product Code (UL CCN):
The document listing is represented by a combination of the UL CCN and File Number. A UL CCN (Category Control Number) is the code that represents the Product Category (Category Description). See below for more info on those terms.

Product CategoryThe Product Category, also known as the UL Category Description, describes the product classification under which an item or product is listed.

Connectors for Use in Data, Signal, Control and Power Applications Certified for Canada - Component

File Number

File NumberA code UL has assigned to identify and track this listing.


Model Number(s)

Model Number(s)Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing.

204900, 75991, 76910, 104238-0110, 200453, 74058, 74075, 505570, 74059, 74061, 74062, 74071, 74076... More


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204900 75991 76910 104238-0110 200453 74058 74075 505570 74059 74061 74062 74071 74076 74600 74649 74650 74651 74658 54017 74659 03-06-2054 74670 03-06-2055 74695 03-06-1055 74696 03-06-1056 74697 74979 74980 74981 74984 75117 208659 75165 51163 75189 75190 75191 75192 75194 75195 75196 75197 75319 75198 75199 75286 75296 75298 75299 76015 73415-8340 75346 75888 53460 54122 76021 76116 501645 170660 76117 204523 76134 104188-0120 76135 76136 76137 RAST, Cat. Nos. 92336, 92338 and 92339 76760 76761 76762 76763 74886 76764 74074 207760 76274 104238-0210 200488 74040 76020 44441 205341 76029 204102 47594 75710 76275 74078 74030 43680 501876 171910 151048,151049 172185 172762 503091 76680 76035 74057 74077 78507 54018 93250(+) HDM Connector Series Models 73650, 73780, 74300 75297 104188-0220 73415-8410 73415-7760 52116 105142 505575 74880 170017 172767 53426 76040 75910 76011 76031 200471 74680 505578 52117 172672 172186 172673 75705 76030 172708 Cat. Nos. 104188-0110 and 104188-0210 171200 74686 74702 47596 74060 73415-7750 51021 51047 45938 204223 204220 52213 52266 206996 206997 44428 35524 2145 78715 1906 2139 5051 5011 4094 3074 3018 2939 2579 3190 53038 5063 5040 4291 3202 2630 2220 5036 4281 3192 3000 2174 2391 2673 3002 3029 4380 5046 5066 53061 70332 5132 5047 3246 3033 3003 2695 2402 2390 2632 3001 3239 4345 5045 5065 35300 53039 2420 2767 3008 3061 4030 5048 35022 171450 2802 2461 5054 5028 4180 3094 3021 2973 2599 35023 5049 42461 5004 4042 3069 3011 2403 2711 3007 3055 3279 4455 43009 87300 47053 47054 74701 173505 212132 212134 217064 217063 53476 212210 212209 5267, 5268, 212724 213719 217347 217348 214721 214719 215931 215932 214526 214527 214094 214097 218567 218565 740 Series 214525 204520 204530 204519 204529 214092 39012045 39012065 39013049 39013069 22002910 22003010 74300 73780 220097 220098 219200 2124150401 94550-3XXX, where X can be 0 through 9(+) 224047 224046 204102-08XX 201234

CompanyThe Company that holds the listing with UL.

Molex L L C


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