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Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs Certified for Canada

UL Listing

UL Certified

Product Code (UL CCN):
The document listing is represented by a combination of the UL CCN and File Number. A UL CCN (Category Control Number) is the code that represents the Product Category (Category Description). See below for more info on those terms.

Product CategoryThe Product Category, also known as the UL Category Description, describes the product classification under which an item or product is listed.

Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs Certified for Canada

File Number

File NumberA code UL has assigned to identify and track this listing.


Model Number(s)

Model Number(s)Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing.

MLLC8-1/4, 2MLC350-3/8, 2MLC1-1/4, 93046, MLC500-5/8, 2MLLC6-1/2, 2MLLC300-1/2, 2MLLC1-3/8, 93064, 9... More


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MLLC8-1/4 2MLC350-3/8 2MLC1-1/4 93046 MLC500-5/8 2MLLC6-1/2 2MLLC300-1/2 2MLLC1-3/8 93064 93078 94753 90524 93111 93128 93220 93238 97701 97692 97683 97616 93033 94436 94418 94739 94728 94716 94705 94681 94668 94653 94614 94393 94374 94359 94345 94332 94320 94192 94174 94156 94126 94114 94267 94245 94222 94213 94089 94074 94055 94038 94020 MLC-1/4 MLC1-1/4 MSL3/0 MS600 MS2/0 97117 97702 97693 97684 97617 94526 94438 94420 94740 94730 94717 94706 94683 94669 94656 94618 94394 94377 94360 94346 94333 94323 94194 94176 94138 94116 94270 94246 94223 94214 94090 94076 94058 94039 2MLLC1/0-1/4 2MLLC350-3/8 MA4 MLA250 2MLLC600-1/2 93012 93030 93066 93080 93112 93130 93222 20 90322 or ESB1/0 2MLLC600-3/8 MLC6-3/8 2MLC6-3/8 2MLC1-5/16 2MLC3/0-5/16 MLLC1/0-1/2 MLLC4/0-3/8 FSL6 FSL300 2FLLC4-1/2 2FLLC1/0-1/2 2FLLC250-1/2 FLLC6-10 FLLC1/0-1/2 FLLC400-1/2 MLC8-1/4 MSL4/0 MS750 MS3/0 2MLLC5/0-1/2 2MLA750 2MLA2/0 MLL1/0-3/8 MLC4/0-5/16 MLC2/0-1/4 MLC-5/16 FLC400-5/8 94754 2MLC350-1/2 MLLC6-10 FSL4 FSL350 2FLLC2-1/4-5/8 2FLLC2/0-1/4 MLC8-10 MSL250 2FLLC300-1/2 FLLC6-1/4 FLLC2/0-3/8 FLLC400-5/8 FLC2/0-1/2 MA4/0 MLA300 MLC400-1/2 MLLC4-1/4 97813 97694 97685 97618 94528 94440 94422 94741 94732 94718 94707 94684 94671 94640 94622 94397 94378 94361 94348 94334 94324 94196 94158 94140 94128 94274 94253 94226 94215 94091 94078 94060 94021 MSL8 MS4/0 2MLLC1/0-5/16 2MLLC8-10 2MLA3/0 MLLC3/0-3/8 93014 93032 MLC4/0-1/4 MLC2/0-5/16 MLC1-10 93048 93082 93114 93224 90324 or ESB2/0 2MLLC2-1/4 2MLLC4-5/16 MLC600-1/2 2MLC4-1/4 90526 97121 93005 2MLC1/0-14 2MLC3/0-3/8 MLLC2/0-1/2 2MLC4/0-3/8 2MLC1/0-1/2 2MLC2-1/4 2MLC8-10 MLC300-5/8 2MLLC2/0-3/8 94757 94399 90515 93008 MA300 MLA2 MLA400 MLLC250-1/2 93020 93038 93054 93068 93085 93212 93230 97816 97687 97625 97023 94534 94516 94428 94746 94735 94722 94702 94676 94661 94643 94634 94602 94385 94366 94353 94326 94312 94182 94164 94146 94130 94286 94258 94234 92418 94082 94064 94046 94028 94012 2MLC500-1/2 MLC1-3/8 MLC6-5/16 90314 or ESB8 MLC1/0-1/2 MLC250-3/8 MLLC400-1/2 2MLA300 2MLLC4-1/2 2MLLC250-3/8 MS6 MS300 MSL4 FLC500-5/8 FLC250-1/2 FLLC750-5/8 FLLC4/0-1/2 FLLC4-5/16 2FLLC400-1/2 2FLLC3/0-3/8 2FLLC2-1/2 FSL1 MLLC6-3/8 FLC500-1/2 FLC4/0-1/2 FLLC600-5/8 FLLC3/0-1/2 FLLC4-1/4 2FLLC350-1/2 2FLLC2/0-1/2 2FLLC2-3/8 2FLLC6-1/4-3/4 MLLC6-5/16 MLLC2-3/8 2MLC500-3/8 2MLC4/0-5/16 2MLC1/0-3/8 2MLC4-3/8 MLC8-3/8 2MLLC400-3/8 2MLLC2/0-1/4 94756 94292 90514 93007 97815 97696 97624 97020 94532 94426 94744 94734 94721 94709 94674 94659 94642 94630 94382 94364 94352 94339 94314 94180 94162 94144 94120 94282 94257 94230 92417 94093 94062 94044 94026 94211 MLC1-5/16 MLC6-1/4 94514 93228 93210 93118 MLC2/0-1/2 MLC4/0-1/2 MLLC1/0-3/8 2MLA250 2MLLC4-1/4 2MLLC1/0-1/2 93067 MS8 MS250 MSL350 93052 93036 93018 MLLC6-1/4 MLC600-5/8 MLA350 MLA1/0 MA250 2MLC3/0-1/2 2MLC400-1/2 MLLC2-1/4 FLS2 2FLLC6-1/4-5/8 2FLLC2-1/4-3/4 2FLLC2/0-3/8 2FLLC350-3/8 FLLC4-10 FLLC2/0-1/2 FLLC500-5/8 FLC3/0-1/2 94755 90528 97125 93006 MA6 MSL300 MSL6 97814 97695 97686 97017 94530 94512 94424 94742 94733 94719 94708 94685 94657 94641 94626 94398 94381 94362 94350 94338 94325 94178 94160 94142 94118 94278 94254 94227 94216 94094 94080 94042 94024 94010 2MLLC1/0-3/8 2MLLC8-1/4 MLA1 MLC500-1/2 2MLA4/0 MLLC4/0-1/2 93016 93034 93050 93084 93116 93226 MLLC1/0-5/16 MLC4/0-3/8 MLC2/0-3/8 MLC-3/8 MLC6-10 2MLC1/0-5/16 2MLC4-5/16 MLC8-5/16 2MLLC8-3/8 2MLLC4-3/8 2MLLC2-3/8 2MLLC1-5/16 2MLA600 MLLC3/0-1/2 MLC3/0-3/8 MLC4-3/8 94018 90318 or ESB4 93236 93218 93126 93110 93076 93062 93044 93028 2MLLC400-1/2 MLLC2/0-3/8 MLA4/0 MA600 MA2 FLC350-5/8 FLC1-5/16 FLLC350-5/8 2FLLC600-1/2 2FLLC4/0-1/2 2FLLC1-38 2FLLC4-1/4-3/4 FSL4/0 MLLC4-5/16 MLLC8-10 2MLC300-1/2 2MLC2/0-1/2 2MLC6-10 2MLLC6-3/8 2MLLC300-3/8 MA8 94761 94752 97700 97691 97629 97615 93027 94524 94416 94738 94727 94713 94703 94680 94667 94652 94639 94390 94372 94358 94343 94330 94319 94190

CompanyThe Company that holds the listing with UL.



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