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Lead Content Verification of Products in Contact with Potable Water

UL Listing

UL Certified

Product Code (UL CCN):
The document listing is represented by a combination of the UL CCN and File Number. A UL CCN (Category Control Number) is the code that represents the Product Category (Category Description). See below for more info on those terms.

Product CategoryThe Product Category, also known as the UL Category Description, describes the product classification under which an item or product is listed.

Lead Content Verification of Products in Contact with Potable Water

File Number

File NumberA code UL has assigned to identify and track this listing.


Model Number(s)

Model Number(s)Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing.

OT400LP-H58, OT400N-A-H28, OT400N, OT400N-A, OT400N-H28, OT500LP, OT500LP-A-H25, OT500LP-A-H58, OT50... More


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OT400LP-H58 OT400N-A-H28 OT400N OT400N-A OT400N-H28 OT500LP OT500LP-A-H25 OT500LP-A-H58 OT500LP-A OT400LP-H25 OT400LP-A-H58 OT400LP-A-H25 OT400LP-A OT400LP OT300N-H28 OT300LP-H58 OT300N-A OT300N OT500LP-H25 OT300LP-H25 OT300N-A-H28 OT300LP-A-H58 HL30 HL119 TT-80SCE TT-80DC TT-119SCE TT-119DC NAS21100 NAS21075 NAS20124 NAS20123 NAS20122 NAS20084 RS2ID80 OT500LP-H58 NAS20083 NAS20082 NAS20080 NAS20053 NAS20050 NAS20025 NAS200120 OT500N-H28 OT500N-A-H28 OT500N-A OT500N OT299LP-A OT150N-H58 OT200LP-H58 OT200LP-H25 OT200LP-A-H58 OT200LP-A-H25 OT200LP-A OT200LP OT199N-H58 OT199N-H25 OT199N OT199LP-H58 OT299LP-A-H58 OT199LP OT200N-A-H28 OT150N-H25 OT150N OT150LP-H58 OT150LP-H25 OT150LP OT125N-H58 OT125N-H25 OT125N OT125LP-H58 OT125LP-H25 OT199LP-H25 OT250N-H28 OT300LP-A OT300LP OT299N-H28 OT299N-A-H28 OT299N-A OT299N OT299LP-H58 OT299LP-H25 HL40 OT299LP-A-H25 OT200N OT299LP OT200N-A OT250N-A-H28 OT250N-A OT250N OT250LP-H58 OT250LP-H25 OT250LP-A-H58 OT250LP-A-H25 OT250LP-A OT250LP OT200N-H28 OT300LP-A-H25 HSTG119001 SB-75LP-3000 SB-80E-SINGLE-3000 SB-80E-300400-3000 SB-80E-100200-4500 SB-80E-100200-3000 SB-75NG-C-4500 SB-75NG-C-3000 SB-75NG-4500 SB-75NG-3000 SB-75LP-C-4500 HSTG060001 SB-75LP-4500 NE-119STWE SB-50EU-4500 SB-50EU-3000 SB-50E-SINGLE-4500 SB-50E-SINGLE-3000 SB-50E-300400-4500 SB-50E-300400-3000 SB-50E-100200-4500 SB-50E-100200-3000 SB-30EU-4500 SB-30EU-3000 SB-75LP-C-3000 5400119SCG 71E OT125LP GHE125-500A LP HA2 GHE125-500A LP HA1 GHE125-500A LP GHE125-500A HA GHE125-500A GHE119-500 LP HA2 GHE119-500 LP HA1 GHE119-500 LP SB-80EU-3000 GHE119-500 SB-80EU-4500 5400119SCEG 5400119G 5400119DCEG 5400080SCG 5400080SCEG 5400080G 5400080DCEG NE-80STWE NE-60STWE SB-30E-300400-4500 GHE119-500 HA 60GSTE SB-30E-SINGLE-4500 NGE-119SDC MSWH80-2-E MSWH80-2 MSWH80-1-E MSWH50-1-E MSWH119-2-E MSWH119-2 MSWH119-1-E HSTG080001 NGE-119SE 80GST NGE-50SE 50GST 40GST 30GST 119GSTE 119GST RS2ID120 ST00314 ST00313 ST00312 HL80 80GSTE SB-100NG-C-4500 HL50 SB-30E-300400-3000 SB-30E-100200-4500 SB-30E-100200-3000 SB-119EU-4500 SB-119EU-3000 SB-119E-SINGLE-4500 SB-119E-SINGLE-3000 SB-119E-300400-4500 SB-119E-300400-3000 NGE-119SDCE SB-119E-100200-3000 SB-30E-SINGLE-3000 SB-100NG-C-3000 SB-100NG-4500 SB-100NG-3000 SB-100LP-C-4500 SB-100LP-C-3000 SB-100LP-4500 SB-100LP-3000 NGE-80SE NGE-80SDCE NGE-80SDC SB-119E-100200-4500 250E-1250 32PPC 32E 30ST 30SK 250ST-A-150 250G-800 250G-1500 250G-1250 250G-1000 73E 250E-1500 350ST-GA-M 250E-1000 250DF-800 250DF-1500 250DF-1250 250DF-1000 241E 20E 200ST-GA-M 200ST-A-150 200ST-A-125 250E-800 50ES 80SK 750ST-GA-M 75-76SKG 72E 60STE 541E 51PPC 51E 50STE 50ST 33E 50SK 350ST-A-150 500ST-GA-M 500ST-A-150 40ST 40SKE 40SK 40E 400ST-GA-M 400ST-A-150 361E 200G-450 50SKE 200G-850 119SKDC 119SK 1000ST-GA-M 100-76SKG 119SKE 119ST SB-80E-SINGLE-4500 RSID120 150G-600 80SKE 200G-1150 200E-850 200E-650 200E-450 200E-1150 200DF-850 200DF-650 200DF-450 200DF-1150 119SKDCE 150G-800 200G-650 150G-400 150E-800 150E-600 150E-400 150DF-800 150DF-600 150DF-400 120E 119STE 119ST-A-150 190E ODOT299LP ODOT200N-LP ODOT300LP-A-25 ODOT300LP-A ODOT300LP ODOT299N-H25 ODOT299N-A-H25 ODOT299N ODOT299LP-H58 ODOT299LP-H25 ODOT299LP-A-58 ODOT300LP-H25 ODOT299LP-A ODOT300LP-H58 ODOT250N-H25 ODOT250N-A-H25 ODOT250N-A ODOT250N ODOT250LP-H58 ODOT250LP-H25 ODOT250LP-A-58 ODOT250LP-A-25 ODOT250LP-A 80SKDC ODOT299LP-A-25 ODOT400N ODOT500N-A-H25 ODOT500N-A ODOT500N ODOT500LP-H58 ODOT500LP-H25 ODOT500LP-A-58 ODOT500LP-A-25 ODOT500LP-A ODOT500LP ODOT400N-H25 ODOT300LP-A-58 ODOT400N-A ODOT200N-H25 ODOT400LP-H58 ODOT400LP-H25 ODOT400LP-A-58 ODOT400LP-A-25 ODOT400LP-A ODOT400LP ODOT300N-H25 ODOT300N-A-H25 ODOT300N-A ODOT300N ODOT400N-A-H25 EZ 75-76 ODOT250LP LCE50-2 LCE40-2 LCE30-2 LCE20-2 LCE20-1 LCE12-1 EZ 90-199 EZ 80-199 EZ 80-156 ODOT125LP EZ 75-76PDV ODOT125LP-H25 EZ 75-135 EZ 100-76PDV-C EZ 100-76PDV EZ 100-76 EZ 100-199 CE119-*# CE080-*# CE050-*# 80STE ODOT500N-H25 EZ 75-76PDV-C ODOT199LP ODOT200N-A ODOT200N ODOT200LP-H58 ODOT200LP-H25 ODOT200LP-A-58 ODOT200LP-A-25 ODOT200LP ODOT199N-H58 ODOT199N-H25 ODOT199N LCE60-1 ODOT199LP-H25 80SKDCE ODOT150N-H58 ODOT150N-H25 ODOT150N ODOT150LP-H58 ODOT150LP-H25 ODOT150LP ODOT125N-H58 ODOT125N-H25 ODOT125N ODOT125LP-H58 ODOT199LP-H58 OT400N2-A-H28 OT300LP2-A-H28 OT700LP-A OT600N-A OT600LP-A OT500N2-H28 OT500N2-A-H28 OT500N2-A OT500N2 OT500LP2-H28 OT500LP2-A-H28 OT500LP2-A OT800LP-A OT400N2-H28 OT800N-A OT400N2-A OT400N2 OT400LP2-H28 OT400LP2-A-H28 OT400LP2-A OT400LP2 OT300N2-H28 OT300N2-A-H28 OT300N2-A OT300N2 OT300LP2-H28 OT500LP2 RSID50 SB-80E-300400-4500 OT700N-A STU200A-1 ST200A-1 NST119N NST119A NST080N NST080A OT900N-A OT900LP-A THE125-500A LP 80SRE 80SRDCE 80SRDC 50SRE 119SRE 119SRDCE 119SRDC ST80# STID30 STID40 ST119# 100-76SCG THE125-500A LP HA1 STID120 THE125-500A HA THE125-500A THE119-500 LP HA2 THE119-500 LP HA1 THE119-500 LP THE119-500 HA THE119-500 STID80 STID50 OT300LP2-A THE125-500A LP HA2 80SE 50SC 50SCE 50SE 60SE 80SC 40SCE 80SDCE 75-76SCG STORMAXXSE-119-1HX-EE STORMAXXSE-50-1HX-EE STORMAXXSE-80-1HX-EE 80ST 80ST-A OT300LP2 80SDC 119SDCE 119SC RSID80 80SCE 119SDC 119SE 30SC 40SC 119SCE

CompanyThe Company that holds the listing with UL.



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