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Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs

UL Listing

UL Certified

Product Code (UL CCN):
The document listing is represented by a combination of the UL CCN and File Number. A UL CCN (Category Control Number) is the code that represents the Product Category (Category Description). See below for more info on those terms.

Product CategoryThe Product Category, also known as the UL Category Description, describes the product classification under which an item or product is listed.

Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs

File Number

File NumberA code UL has assigned to identify and track this listing.


Model Number(s)

Model Number(s)Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing.

183172, 180458, 183173, 180460, 183174, 180462, 180464, 183134, 180466, 183135, 180468, 183176, 1804... More


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183172 180458 183173 180460 183174 180462 180464 183134 180466 183135 180468 183176 180470 183177 180472 183156 180474 183130 180476 183136 180478 183157 180480 183158 180482 183131 180484 183137 180486 180488 183159 180490 183132 180492 183133 180494 183140 180496 183141 180498 183138 180500 183139 180502 183142 180504 183143 180506 183144 180508 180072 180510 183145 180074 180512 180076 183146 180078 180514 183147 180082 180516 183148 180084 180522 183149 180086 183070 180524 183150 180088 183071 183152 180530 183153 183072 180532 180534 183154 183073 180536 183155 180320 183074 180322 180540 183075 180542 180340 183034 180544 180342 183035 180546 180346 183052 180400 183053 180402 183056 180403 183030 180407 183036 180408 180410 183057 180412 183058 180413 183031 180416 183037 180418 183059 180420 183032 180422 183033 180423 183040 180426 183041 180428 183038 180430 180432 183039 180434 183042 180436 183043 180438 183044 180440 183045 180442 183046 180444 180446 183047 180448 183048 180450 183050 180452 183051 180454 183171 180456 180750 183530 180128 180752 183531 180140 180754 183532 180144 180755 183533 180146 180756 183534 180148 180758 183535 180160 180759 183536 180162 180760 183537 180164 180762 183538 180166 180763 183539 180168 180764 183540 180227 180766 180228 183541 180768 180590 183542 180770 180592 183543 180772 180594 183544 180773 180600 180774 183545 180602 183546 180776 180606 183547 180778 180608 180780 180118 183548 180782 106144 183549 180783 183701 101902 180784 183702 101870 180786 183703 180788 183704 180790 183705 104204 180650 180791 183706 104220+104222 180652 180792 183707 101918 180654 180794 183708 LY8-067 180660 180798 183709 180662 180800 183710 180664 180801 183711 180670 180802 183798 180672 180804 183800 180674 180910 180676 183801 180912 180680 183802 180914 180682 183804 180916 180684 180918 183806 180686 180920 183808 180692 180922 183810 180694 180924 183812 180696 180926 180697 183814 180928 180698 183815 180930 180700 183816 183502 180702 183818 183503 180704 183820 180705 183504 183821 180706 183505 183822 180709 183506 183824 180710 183507 183826 183508 180712 183827 183509 180714 183828 183510 180715 183830 183511 180718 183832 183512 180720 183833 183513 180722 183834 180724 183514 183836 180725 183515 180726 183838 183516 180730 183839 183517 180732 183840 183518 180734 180026 183842 183519 180735 180027 183844 183520 180736 180028 183521 180737 180034 183522 180739 180042 183523 180740 180056 183524 180742 180058 183525 180744 180070 183526 180745 180080 183527 180746 180120 183528 180747 180124 180749 183529 180126 180016 180030 180029 180052 180036 180040 180330 180226 180328 180332 180010 180050 180224 180054 180020 180038 180334 180014 180008 180222 180024

CompanyThe Company that holds the listing with UL.

CIMCO Werkzeuge GmbH & Co.KG


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