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Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs

UL Listing

UL Certified

Product Code (UL CCN):
The document listing is represented by a combination of the UL CCN and File Number. A UL CCN (Category Control Number) is the code that represents the Product Category (Category Description). See below for more info on those terms.

Product CategoryThe Product Category, also known as the UL Category Description, describes the product classification under which an item or product is listed.

Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs

File Number

File NumberA code UL has assigned to identify and track this listing.


Model Number(s)

Model Number(s)Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing.

781956, 781957, 781958, 781959, 762305, 762307, 762309, 762311, 781960, 762313, 762319, 762321, 7623... More


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*** Note: This page does not show all models included in this listing. Log in to the full site to see all models. ***
781956 781957 781958 781959 762305 762307 762309 762311 781960 762313 762319 762321 762323 762325 762337 7020119 7020120 7020121 60069 7020122 60071 7020123 60073 7020124 58675 7020125 60097 7020126 58614 7020127 58615 7020128 58616 7020129 58606 747519 58607 747520 58610 747521 58608 747522 747570 747523 58609 747524 747474 747525 747526 58602 747527 58603 747528 58604 710575 58605 710574 705210 710573 705209 716051 747475 7009673 58598 7009674 58599 7009675 58600 7009676 747476 7009677 747477 7009678 747478 7009679 747585 7009680 747479 7009681 747480 7009682 747481 7009683 747482 7009684 747483 7009685 747484 7009686 747485 7009687 747486 7009688 747487 7009689 747488 7009690 747489 7009691 747490 7009692 747491 7009693 747492 7009694 747493 7009695 747494 7009696 747495 7009697 747496 7009698 747497 7009699 747498 7009700 747499 7009701 710539 7009702 58589 7009703 58590 7009704 58591 7009705 747500 7009706 747501 7009707 747502 7009708 747503 7009709 747504 7009710 747505 7009712 747506 7009714 747507 7009717 747508 7009718 747513 716045 7009719 747514 716044 716039 710568 716043 716038 747515 716037 710569 716041 710571 716040 710570 747463 747516 747464 710563 747465 710564 747466 710565 747467 710567 747468 710566 710560 747469 710561 747470 710562 747471 747517 747472 747518 747473 747565 747593 7014075 20041463 7014157 20041375 20041464 747574 20041377 747626 20041382 20041388 7014149 20041365 747569 7014154 20041407 7014148 747581 7014150 7014110 7014077 20041381 20041461 747622 747613 20041413 7014081 20041468 747667 747592 747550 747561 747579 7014102 20041467 20041399 747586 7009711 747665 20041404 20041366 747620 747600 20041378 7014118 20041393 747578 7014117 763322 747580 7014109 747652 7014083 20041406 20041364 747625 747672 20041379 7014113 7014100 20041383 747607 747563 747577 20041408 747619 747623 747557 747662 20041398 20041372 763320 747589 7014085 747621 7014153 7014090 747647 20041374 747614 7014114 747562 20041402 747666 747654 747559 747605 747645 20041465 7014089 7014079 747646 747584 20041403 747587 7014084 20041367 763321 7014116 747658 747576 20041371 747572 747596 7014101 20041369 7014086 747591 20041380 20041387 7009715 747659 20041410 20041411 20041460 747649 747582 20041470 747558 20041389 747669 20041409 747560 7009713 20041396 747678 20041415 20041400 7014108 747628 747573 747655 20041395 20041469 7014076 20041385 20041390 747590 747575 747617 747549 747653 20041392 20041391 747648 747674 747553 20041370 20041414 747588 747668 7014156 7014082 20041401 747595 20041394 20041462 747554 747594 747599 747583 747551 747664 7014105 20041384 7014111 7014080 20041466 20041458 20041368 747556 747612 20041373 747597 747670 747661 747660 20041412 747644 20041459 7014104 20041397 7014112 7014088 7014103 747567 747571 747671 747663 7014152 747624 20041386 747650 747651 747615 747564 747606 747618 747673 747657 7014106 20041471 20041405 20041376 7014078 747555 7014115 747656 747598 747568 747611 747627 747996 747566 7014107 7014158 0704702 0705195 0705202 0705180 705178 0704939 705180 0704701 0704705 705201 0705178 58532 0704704 0705191 0705203 0705201 0705189 705202 0705181 0705175 0705204 0705174 0704703 0705205 0705183 0705207 705195 0705179 0705206 0705208 0704941 705196 705179 0705200 0705182 0705176 705200 0719368 58533 0705196 0705190 0704828 60068 0705185 0705186 60070 60072 0705187 0704757 0704760 0704770 0704956 0704744 0704775 0704788 0704791 0705251 0704987 0704759 0704790 0704742 0704781 0704989 0704958 0704736 0705253 0705270 0705252 0704795 0704745 0704776 0704768 0704767 0704959 0704792 0704748 0777437 0704794 0704753 0704778 0704756 0704786 0704787 0766773 0705273 0704740 0704779 0704773 0704777 0704785 0705267 0704793 0704766 0704752 0705013 0705059 0705259 0705050 0704727 0704715

CompanyThe Company that holds the listing with UL.



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