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Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs Certified for Canada

UL Listing

UL Certified

Product Code (UL CCN):
The document listing is represented by a combination of the UL CCN and File Number. A UL CCN (Category Control Number) is the code that represents the Product Category (Category Description). See below for more info on those terms.

Product CategoryThe Product Category, also known as the UL Category Description, describes the product classification under which an item or product is listed.

Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs Certified for Canada

File Number

File NumberA code UL has assigned to identify and track this listing.


Model Number(s)

Model Number(s)Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing.

178-7241, 178-8362, 178-8691, 178-8692, 178-8698, 178-8700, 178-8699, 178-8702, 178-8705, 178-8592... More


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178-7241 178-8362 178-8691 178-8692 178-8698 178-8700 178-8699 178-8702 178-8705 178-8592 178-8593 178-8600 178-8602 178-8610 178-8611 178-8612 178-8613 178-8614 178-8615 178-7207 178-7208 178-7209 178-7218 178-8395 178-8396 178-8397 178-8398 178-7361 178-7362 178-7363 178-7364 178-7202 178-7365 178-7184 178-7238 178-7185 178-7239 178-7187 178-7240 178-7188 178-8430 178-8431 178-8590 178-8591 178-8594 178-8595 178-8596 178-8597 178-8599 178-8604 178-8607 178-8608 178-8617 178-8619 178-8620 178-8621 178-8622 178-8623 178-8624 178-8625 178-8626 178-8627 178-8628 178-8629 178-8630 178-8631 178-8632 178-8606 178-8693 178-8695 178-8696 178-8697 178-8706 178-8636 178-8637 178-8639 178-8640 178-8641 178-8642 178-8643 178-8656 178-8657 178-8708 178-8712 178-8724 178-8725 178-8730 178-8731 178-8732 178-8733 613-9384 613-9441 613-9479 613-9491 613-9463 613-9435 613-9514 613-9542 613-9536 613-9564 613-9586 613-9570 613-9867 178-8413 178-8365 178-7204 178-7205 178-7206 178-7214 178-7215 178-7219 178-7220 178-7259 178-7260 178-7264 178-7265 178-7226 178-7210 178-7212 178-7222 178-7221 178-7223 178-7227 178-7211 178-7213 178-7224 178-8727 270-7657 178-7246 270-7458 270-7464 613-9299 178-8713 178-8634 178-8726 613-9429 178-8655 178-8718 613-9687 613-9823 178-8417 613-9508 270-7616 613-9283 178-8710 270-7465 178-8682 270-7649 178-8660 613-9249 613-9643 178-7245 613-9261 624-1235 178-8654 270-7617 178-8679 178-7233 613-9328 178-8671 178-8714 270-7604 613-9362 178-7251 178-8709 270-7643 178-8722 613-9716 178-8651 178-8663 270-7459 613-9255 270-7661 270-7460 178-8681 270-7646 178-8649 178-8415 178-8416 178-8686 178-8598 178-7234 613-9378 178-8689 178-7268 178-8685 270-7660 178-8675 270-7641 178-7244 613-9334 270-7640 613-9609 613-9637 178-8633 270-7483 178-8662 178-8668 178-8412 613-9659 178-8665 178-8653 178-7249 178-8680 178-8723 178-8720 178-8667 178-8719 270-7466 178-7267 613-9205 178-8334 624-1213 178-8687 270-7622 178-8664 178-7236 178-8677 178-8652 178-7266 613-9356 613-9211 178-8425 613-9407 178-8423 613-9621 613-9485 178-8721 624-1207 178-7237 178-7250 270-7647 178-8364 178-8359 178-8678 270-7648 270-7659 613-9722 178-7248 624-1229 613-9227 178-8659 178-8670 178-8676 178-8666 178-8715 178-8716 178-7235 178-8728 613-9520 613-9390 613-9873 178-8684 613-9277 178-8683 613-9665 613-9340 270-7468 178-8711 270-7603 613-9306 178-8360 270-7656 613-9801 270-7644 270-7642 270-7645 178-8658 270-7655 613-9592 270-7638 178-8648 178-8674 613-9750 178-8424 613-9233 178-8428 613-9558 178-7232 178-8669 613-9457 178-8661 613-9312 613-9413 178-8690 624-1257 270-7639 178-8729 178-8426 178-7252 178-8429 178-8427 270-7621 270-7623 267-4518 267-3751 178-7254 178-8645 267-3616 267-3638 178-7258 267-6441 267-3587 270-7635 267-3622 613-9738 270-7452 267-3919 267-4079 267-4524 267-3739 178-7257 267-3896 178-7230 270-7627 267-4085 267-4502 270-7654 270-7624 267-4108 267-3852 267-3868 270-7634 267-3644 178-7263 270-7463 270-7448 270-7450 267-4401 267-3846 267-3947 270-7651 267-4473 270-7455 267-3688 270-7453 267-4388 178-8644 270-7614 267-3969 267-3953 270-7637 270-7472 267-3818 267-3830 270-7462 267-3745 267-4063 267-3931 267-3903 270-7445 267-3925 270-7672 270-7628 267-3880 267-3789 270-7474 267-4120 267-3672 267-3723 267-4091 267-3650 178-8755 178-7228 270-7477 178-8647 270-7446 613-9772 270-7618 178-7201 267-3666 178-7198 270-7615 267-4417 267-3694 178-7242 178-7262 270-7456 270-7625 267-4467 267-3802 267-4394 270-7602 270-7619 178-7179 267-4372 178-7199 178-8422 270-7650 178-8646 267-3795 267-4489 267-3593 270-7476 270-7632 178-7255 270-7454 270-7451 178-8707 270-7626 270-7629 178-7261 178-7200 270-7636 270-7461 270-7457 267-3874 178-8361 270-7633 270-7652 178-7256 270-7475 267-3701 270-7620 270-7473 270-7631 270-7653 178-7229 267-3773 270-7447 267-3975 267-3717 270-7630

CompanyThe Company that holds the listing with UL.



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Phone number: 1-877-854-3577 — Email: [email protected]