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Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs Certified for Canada

UL Listing

UL Certified

Product Code (UL CCN):
The document listing is represented by a combination of the UL CCN and File Number. A UL CCN (Category Control Number) is the code that represents the Product Category (Category Description). See below for more info on those terms.

Product CategoryThe Product Category, also known as the UL Category Description, describes the product classification under which an item or product is listed.

Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs Certified for Canada

File Number

File NumberA code UL has assigned to identify and track this listing.


Model Number(s)

Model Number(s)Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing.

BIZ 231054, BIZ 230 001 a, BIZ 231055, BIZ 230 002 a, BIZ 231056, BIZ 230 003 a, BIZ 231057, BIZ 231... More


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BIZ 231054 BIZ 230 001 a BIZ 231055 BIZ 230 002 a BIZ 231056 BIZ 230 003 a BIZ 231057 BIZ 231058 BIZ 230 004 BIZ 231007 BIZ 230 005 BIZ 231028 BIZ 230 006 BIZ 231047 BIZ 230 010 a BIZ 240011 BIZ 230 011 a BIZ 240002 BIZ 230 012 a BIZ 230015 BIZ 230 013 a BIZ 230024 BIZ 230 014 BIZ 230007 BIZ 230 018 BIZ 230 019 BIZ 230 020 a BIZ 230 021 a BIZ 230 022 a BIZ 230 023 BIZ 251 000 BIZ 251 001 a BIZ 251 002 a BIZ 251 003 a BIZ 251 005 BIZ 252 001 a BIZ 253 000 BIZ 253 001 a BIZ 253 002 a BIZ 253 003 a BIZ 000 825 a BIZ 253 004 BIZ 000 830 a BIZ 000 870 BIZ 252 002 a BIZ 000 600 a BIZ 000 871 BIZ 252 003 a BIZ 000 872 BIZ 000 602 BIZ 790 275 BIZ 245 001 a BIZ 245 020 a BIZ 790279 BIZ 000 605 a BIZ 790282 BIZ 245 030 a BIZ 000 610 a BIZ 231023 BIZ 000 611 BIZ 231024 BIZ 000 612 BIZ 231025 BIZ 000 614 BIZ 231026 BIZ 000 615 a BIZ 231002 BIZ 231003 BIZ 000 620 a BIZ 231004 BIZ 000 625 a BIZ 231005 BIZ 000 626 BIZ 231042 BIZ 231043 BIZ 000 627 BIZ 231044 BIZ 000 628 BIZ 231045 BIZ 000 629 BIZ 231029 BIZ 231030 BIZ 000 630 a BIZ 231008 BIZ 000 635 a BIZ 231009 BIZ 000 640 a BIZ 231048 BIZ 000 645 BIZ 231031 BIZ 231010 BIZ 000 800 a BIZ 231049 BIZ 000 805 a BIZ 231041 BIZ 000 810 a BIZ 231036 BIZ 000 815 a BIZ 231037 BIZ 231038 BIZ 000 819 BIZ 231039 BIZ 230 001 BIZ 000 820 a BIZ 230 002 BIZ 231040 BIZ 000 834 BIZ 231020 BIZ 230 003 BIZ 231015 BIZ 000 835 a BIZ 230 010 BIZ 231016 BIZ 230 011 BIZ 000 840 a BIZ 230 012 BIZ 231017 BIZ 230 013 BIZ 000 845 a BIZ 231018 BIZ 230 020 BIZ 000 846 BIZ 231019 BIZ 230 021 BIZ 231053 BIZ 230 000 BIZ 230 022

CompanyThe Company that holds the listing with UL.



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