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Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs Certified for Canada

UL Listing

UL Certified

Product Code (UL CCN):
The document listing is represented by a combination of the UL CCN and File Number. A UL CCN (Category Control Number) is the code that represents the Product Category (Category Description). See below for more info on those terms.

Product CategoryThe Product Category, also known as the UL Category Description, describes the product classification under which an item or product is listed.

Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs Certified for Canada

File Number

File NumberA code UL has assigned to identify and track this listing.


Model Number(s)

Model Number(s)Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing.

220163, 312399, 906645, 222226, 242265, 222163, 312403, 906655, 230226, 244265, 230163, 312425, 9066... More


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220163 312399 906645 222226 242265 222163 312403 906655 230226 244265 230163 312425 906665 230226RV 252266 210162 312499 906675 210225 220162 312503 242266 906815 220225 222162 312525 244266 906825 230162 222225 312599 252267 906835 210161 312603 230225 242267 220161 906845 312625 230225RV 252274 222161 312699 906855 210224 242274 230161 313203 906865 220224 252275 210150 313225 906875 222224 230150 242275 313299 907825 210140 230224 244275 314203 907835 230140 230224RV 252276 314225 907845 210130 210223 314299 242276 907855 222130 220223 314303 230130 907865 244276 314325 222223 210120 907875 252277 314399 220120 230223 918815 242277 315203 222120 230223RV 906505 315225 230120 252284 210222 906605 315299 230120RV 242284 220222 906805 315303 210110 252285 907815 222222 315325 220110 242285 252231_A 230222 315399 222110 916545 252231_B 230222RV 230110 321303 916555 252241_A 230110RV 321325 210221 210100 252241_B 916605 321403 220221 220100 321425 916615 252251_A 222221 222100 321503 916625 252251_B 230221 230100 321525 916635 252261_A 210216 230100RV 321603 916815 252261_B 220216 210166 321625 252271_A 244285 222216 220166 321703 252286 252271_B 230216 230166 321725 242286 252281_A 210165 220322 230216RV 252281_B 244286 220165 252233 222322 210215 230165 252287 252291_A 242233 220215 230322 252291_B 242287 244233 309001 222215 210321 252294 252234 309002 230215 220321 242294 242234 309003 230215RV 230321 252295 244234 309025 210214 210313 242295 252235 309099 220214 244295 242235 220313 309101 222214 252296 244235 309102 222313 230214 242296 309103 252236 230313 309125 244296 210213 242236 230313RV 309199 252297 244236 220213 210312 309201 242297 252237 222213 220312 309202 242237 252715 230213 222312 309203 916645 242715 230213RV 309225 230312 916655 244715 210212 309299 916665 230312RV 252716 220212 309303 242716 916675 210311 309325 222212 220311 252243 244716 310203 230212 242243 252717 230311 310225 230212RV 244243 242717 210303 310299 210211 252244 310303 252725 220303 220211 242244 310325 242725 230303 222211 252245 310399 244725 210302 242245 230211 310403 252726 220302 244245 310425 210206 242726 230302 252246 310499 220206 244726 242246 210301 310503 916825 230206 244246 310525 220301 252727 210205 252247 210619 310599 230301 242727 220205 242247 310603 220619 916835 230205 252254 310625 210618 916845 242254 310699 210204 220618 916855 311203 244254 220204 210617 916865 311225 252255 220617 230204 916875 311299 242255 210615 210203 918825 311303 244255 220615 220203 918835 311325 252256 230615 918845 222203 311399 242256 230620 918855 311403 230203 244256 230615RV 918865 311425 230605 230203RV 916505 918875 311499 916515 210202 210323 311503 252231 916525 220323 220202 311525 252257 916535 222202 222323 311599 242257 916805 230202 230323 311603 906515 230202RV 230323RV 311625 906525 210322 210201 252253 311699 906535 210227 220201 312203 906545 242253 312225 220227 230201 906555 244253 312299 230227 210164 906615 252264 312303 230164 906625 210226 242264 312325 210163 906635 220226 252265

CompanyThe Company that holds the listing with UL.



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