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Appliance Controls Certified for Canada - Component

UL Listing

UL Certified

Product Code (UL CCN):
The document listing is represented by a combination of the UL CCN and File Number. A UL CCN (Category Control Number) is the code that represents the Product Category (Category Description). See below for more info on those terms.

Product CategoryThe Product Category, also known as the UL Category Description, describes the product classification under which an item or product is listed.

Appliance Controls Certified for Canada - Component

File Number

File NumberA code UL has assigned to identify and track this listing.


Model Number(s)

Model Number(s)Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing.

12674-0001, 12711-0001, 12733-0001, 12625-0003, 12937-0003, 12667-0008, 30-01-1308, 30-01-1348, 1272... More


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12674-0001 12711-0001 12733-0001 12625-0003 12937-0003 12667-0008 30-01-1308 30-01-1348 12724-0002 30-01-1763 30-01-1357 12408-0003 12320-0001 12394-0001 12402-0001 12061-0001 12193-0001 12539-0002 30-01-2100 30-01-1924 12587-0003 12685-0006 12237-0001 12143-0001 12403-0001 12006-0001 12138-0002 12227-0001 12699-0001 12721-0001 12769-0001 12120-0001 12667-0003 12667-0012 30-01-1302 30-01-1343 30-01-1352 30-01-1653 12290-0001 30-01-1779 12685-0004 30-01-1341 30-01-1300 12667-0010 30-01-2106 12667-0001 30-01-1350 30-01-2256 12685-0003 12714-0001 12696-0001 12548-0001 12226-0001 12002-0001 12394-0003 12272-0001 30-01-1307 30-01-1297 12667-0007 12625-0002 12726-0001 12710-0001 12641-0001 12539-0001 12192-0001 12024-0001 12452-0001 12345-0004 12270-0001 12937-0002 30-01-1356 12408-0002 30-01-2099 30-01-1757 30-01-1347 12721-0002 30-01-1358 30-01-1764 30-01-2103 30-01-1294 12270-0003 12320-0002 12408-0004 12936-0004 30-01-1298 12712-0001 12684-0001 12734-0001 30-01-2218 12667-0009 12540-0001 12195-0001 12066-0001 30-01-1349 12068-0001 12936-0002 30-01-1926 30-01-1720 30-01-1354 30-01-1345 30-01-1304 30-01-1295 12667-0005 12408-0006 12704-0001 12640-0002 12521-0001 12169-0002 12008-0001 12403-0003 12345-0002 12267-0001 30-01-2219 12713-0001 12685-0001 30-01-1299 30-01-1309 30-01-1651 30-01-1778 30-01-2104 12936-0005 12685-0002 12394-0002 12134-0001 12271-0001 12225-0001 12254-0001 12544-0001 12625-0004 30-01-1652 30-01-1351 30-01-1342 30-01-1301 12685-0005 12667-0011 12667-0002 12119-0001 12768-0001 12716-0001 12698-0001 12609-0004 12138-0001 12002-0002 12394-0004 12319-001 30-01-2257 12587-0001 30-01-2141 12236-0001 12169-0001 12936-0001 12007-0001 12403-0002 12345-0001 12237-0002 12716-0002 12067-0001 30-01-1925 30-01-1654 30-01-1353 30-01-1344 30-01-1303 12587-0004 12667-0004 12408-0001 12770-0001 12724-0001 12640-0001 12937-0001 12268-0001 12345-0003 12069-0001 30-01-1927 12403-0004 30-01-1756 30-01-1355 30-01-1346 30-01-1305 30-01-1296 12009-0001 12169-0003 12538-0001 12640-0003 12715-0001 12625-0001 12587-0002 12667-0006

CompanyThe Company that holds the listing with UL.

Molex L L C


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