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Fans, Electric Certified for Canada - Component

UL Listing

UL Certified

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Fans, Electric Certified for Canada - Component

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Model Number(s)

Model Number(s)Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing.

MC002105, MC002106, MC002107, MC002108, MC002110, MC002104, MC24217, MC19677, MC002700, MP006500, MC... More


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MC002105 MC002106 MC002107 MC002108 MC002110 MC002104 MC24217 MC19677 MC002700 MP006500 MC001632 MC23289 MCKDE1204PFV2.11.MS.A.GN MC24610 MC001618 MC36264 MC19677 MC19682 MC19708 MC32896 MC011494 MC001609 MC19652 MC21680 MC011496 MC001627 MC001595 MC001611 MP006493 MCAB1123-HBT.GN MC36274 MC001615 MC002705 MC001607 MC002714 MC011523 MC19699 MC23273 MCDP203A/2123LSL.GN MC011519 MC002713 MC36306 MC19654 MC002709 MC19689 MC011527 MC001579 MCDP201AT/2122HBL.GN MC23334 MC002716 MP006294 MC19676 MCKDE1205PFB2-8 MC36307 MC001584 MC19697 MCKDE0502PEB1-8 MC011503 MC001576 MC23284 MC011505 MC002692 MC001594 MC001619 MP006504 MC34990 MC23271 MCKDE2404PKV2.MS.A.GN MC002687 MC001641 MCGM0504PEV2-8.N.GN MCGM0503PEV1-8.N.GN MC23726 MCKDE1209PTV2.13.MS.A.GN MC001604 MC001651 MC23290 MC001572 MC33210 MC011491 MC36276 MC36337 MC011515 MCGM0502PEV2-8.N.GN MC001616 MC33868 MCSP103A 1123LBL.GN MC23291 MCSP103AT 1122LBL.GN MC36263 MCKD1205PFS2.11.GN MP006507 MC19675 MC19697 MC21681 MP006481 MCSP103A/1123LSL.GN MC23332 MCKD1206PHS2.GN MC32917 MC23725 MC001637 MC002688 MCGM0503PEV2-8.N.GN MC32895 MC36278 MC011507 MP006486 MP006479 MC36277 MC001645 MCGM0504PEV1-8.N.GN MC001603 MC19679 MC001605 MC002694 MC36332 MC001620 MC36339 MC19699 MC35348 MC0035492 MP006496 MC36331 MC011490 MC23294 MC36327 MC002711 MC35088 MC19658 MC002689 MCKD1205PHS2.GN MC002706 MC36294 MC19662 MC19694 MC001613 MCKDE2406PTV2.MS.A.GN MC001636 MP006483 MC011528 MC011501 MC19679 MC19623 MCDP201A 2123HBL.GN MC23701 MC001652 MC011509 MC001575 MC011529 MC36369 MP006484 MC36268 MC011521 MC001573 MC001631 MCSP103AT 1122LBL.GN MCKDE2409PTV2.13.MS.A.GN MC001602 MP006485 MC36296 MC001585 MC36370 MCKDE1208PTV2.13.MS.A.GN MC36295 MC23721 MC001592 MC19650 MC002715 MC19648 MC19695 MC001625 MC36326 MCKDE0503PEB3-8 MC001628 MC001621 MC001608 MC35162 MC001634 MC19690 MC19696 MC001623 MP006509 MC011500 MC001654 MCKDE1206PTV1-C MS.M MCKD2405PHS2.GN MC35354 MC36356 MC001629 MC001580 MCGM1235PFV2-8.GN MC32982 MCGM0502PEV1-8.N.GN MC001655 MC19698 MCKD0506PHS2.GN MC32901 MP006498 MC001622 MC36335 MC002701 MC36355 MC19663 MC001601 MC001630 MC19675 MC001600 MP006478 MC001642 MC32904 MC19693 MCKDE1206PKB2 MP006499 MC36358 MC36336 MC002684 MC19681 MC001647 MC001657 MC32905 MP006501 MC25016 MCKDE0502PEB3-8 MCSP101A/1123HSL.GN MC36353 MC23282 MC19651 MC23725 MC29335 MC35346 MC36258 MC001633 MC24609 MCDP203A 2123LBL.GN MC19649 MC002686 MC001581 MC011502 MCDP201A 2123HBL.GN MC002698 MC001646 MC001577 MP006488 MCKDE0504PEB3-8 MC19695 MCDP201AT/2122HBL.GN MCAB2123-HST.GN MC33210 MC001593 MC011006 MC32918 MC002691 MC002712 MC001571 MC36279 MC001610 MC23277 MC011516 MC36262 MCKDE0504PEB1-8 MC32921 MC36328 MC23272 MC002703 MC32898 MC001643 MC002707 MC36338 MC001591 MC35159 MC001598 MC33919 MC001588 MP006503 MC001596 MC001570 MC36371 MC002721 MC19682 MC001644 MC32919 MC19680 MC33872 MC32909 MC32922 MC36269 MC23270 MC36333 MC19660 MC19676 MC36273 MC36354 MP007138 MC32900 MC001624 MC002708 MC36280 MC001586 MC011510 MC29865 MC001590 MC001606 MCGM1203PFV2-8.GN MCSP101AT/1122HBL.GN MC001612 MC001614 MCDP201A/2123HSL.GN MC001650 MC36259 MC19680 MC011526 MC19647 MC36329 MC19688 MC001639 MC001649 MC011499 MC19657 MCSP101A 1123HBL.GN MC32970 MC011518 MCKDE0502PEB2-8 MC23274 MC36330 MCKDE1205PFB2-8 MC23327 MC002695 MC23268 MC001587 MCSP101AT/1122HBL.GN MC32903 MC002693 MC001578 MCKDE1245PFB2-8 MC32746 MC001583 MC011506 MC001648 MC002690 MC002699 MC001640 MC19696 MC011524 MCSP101A/1123HSL.GN MC001597 MC011511 MC36357 MCAB2123-HBT.GN MC002702 MC23293 MP007137 MCSP103A 1123LBL.GN MP006489 MCSP103A/1123LSL.GN MC32899 MC19655 MC002685 MC33421 MC23276 MP006494 MC001617 MCKD1208PKB2.13.(2).GN MC36289 MC36313 MC001626 MP001243 MP006497 MCKD0506PTB2.(2).GN MC33873 MC001582 MC36272 MC21683 MC19717 MC32902 MCDP203A/2123LSL.GN MC23700 MC19705 MC32912 MC002697 MCAB1123-HST.GN MC35748 MC32916 MC36290 MCKD0505PHS2.GN MC23726 MC001574 MC011504 MC035492 MC36334 MC002704 MC011520 MC001653 MC002710 MC23327 MC011497 MC36275 MC21682 MC001589 MC19681 MC011498 MC19698 MC36368 MC32911 MC011514 MC32910 MC36359 MC001638 MP006482 MC35355 MC23295 MC19678 MP006490 MP006508 MC001599 MC19678 MC001656 MC24208 MCKDE0503PEB2-8 MC011517 MCKD0505PFS2.11.GN MC011522 MC35749 MC001635 MCDP201A/2123HSL.GN MC19685 MC19684 MC19683 MC32926 MC32927 MC19686 MC25029 MC21679 MC23266 MC25028 MP006492 MC21700 MC21707 MC21709 MC21711 MC21701 MC21708 MC21705 MC21703 MC21704 MP006657 MC21706 MC21702 MC21710 MC21712 MC12736 MCKDE1206PTB2 MC12758 MC23329 MC12760 MC12761 MCGM1202PFV2-8.GN MCKDE2406PTB2 MCKDE0503PEB1-8 MC12759 MC12757 MCKDE2404PKB2 MC19661 MCKDE1204PKB1 MCDP203AT 2122LBL.GN MCKDE1204PFB2-8 MC19692 MC21711 MC21684 MC19709 MC12744 MCKD2412PTB2-6A.GN MC25175 MC12741 MC12756 MC12745 MC21692 MCKDE2412PMB1-6A MCKDE0501PFB3-8 MC12748 MC19703 MC12746 MC19622 MC19710 MCKDE1206PTV2.13.MS.A.GN MCSF11592A/1092HBL.GN MC12754 MCSF23080AT/2082HBL.GN MCKDE2412PMB2-6A MCSF23092A/2092HBL.GN MCKDE2412PTB2-6A MC12755 MC32913 MCKDE1235PFB2-8 MC12776 MC23333 MCKDE2408PTV2.13.MS.A.GN MC21710 MC12740 MCKDE0501PFB2-8

CompanyThe Company that holds the listing with UL.

Premier Farnell UK Limited


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