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Conduit Fittings Certified for Canada

UL Listing

UL Certified

Product Code (UL CCN):
The document listing is represented by a combination of the UL CCN and File Number. A UL CCN (Category Control Number) is the code that represents the Product Category (Category Description). See below for more info on those terms.

Product CategoryThe Product Category, also known as the UL Category Description, describes the product classification under which an item or product is listed.

Conduit Fittings Certified for Canada

File Number

File NumberA code UL has assigned to identify and track this listing.


Model Number(s)

Model Number(s)Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing.

3511RAC, 3414, 3416, 3412DC, 3412, 3410DC, 3410, 3408DC, 2202, 2206, 1810, 2208, 2205, 2204, 3416DC... More


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3511RAC 3414 3416 3412DC 3412 3410DC 3410 3408DC 2202 2206 1810 2208 2205 2204 3416DC 2116 2114 3406DC 3512RAC 3512DC 3511RAC-8 3406 3LK76-8 3LK77 3576 3574 3408 3576-8 3574-8 3511DC 3572-8 3306 2202 3316 2152-8 3314 3312 2216 3310 3308 3206 3514DC 3LK77-8 3212 3210 3303 3205 3204 3202 3208 2156-8 2156 2103 2214 2212 2154-8 2108 3305 3304 2222 2210 2106 2105 2112 2104 2110 3566-8 3565 3564 3568 3568-8 3570 3563 1002 1001 1005 1004 3564-8 3516 1008 3566 3516DC 1003 3LL35 3562-8 3514RAC 3513DC 3LL35-8 4A234 4A234-8 3LL33-8 3563-8 3515DC 3550DC 3565-8 3513RAC-8 3513RAC 3LK75 3405 3404DC 3570-8 3403 3LK74 3LK74-8 3LK80 3LK78 3LK76 3LK78-8 3LK79 3405DC 3LK80-8 3LK81 3403DC 3LK79-8 3562 3518DC 3518 3520 1024 1020 1006 3524 3LK75-8 3404 3526DC 3522DC 3572 3522 3520DC 3526 2144 3565 2164-8 3542DC 3542 3541RAC 3541DC 3543 2142 2164 2162-8 2162 2160-8 2144-8 2160 2146-8 2146 3436 3446 3436DC 3546DC 3546 3430 3545DC 3548 3545 3544DC 3544 3543DC 3424DC 3564 3434 3432DC 3550 3548DC 3432 3445 2166-8 3441 1832 3444 3443 3442 1836 3LL31-8 2750 2511 1830 2661 1834 2142-8 1816 1814 1812 2154 trade size 3-1/2 2150 trade size 2-1/2 1942 3430DC 2166 1943-8 1943 2156 trade size 4 2152 trade size 3 2140-8 2140 1942-8 3806RAC 1552 1102RAC 1554 2150 2166 trade size 4 2164 trade size 3-1/2 2144 trade size 3-1/2 2162 trade size 3 2160 trade size 2-1/2 2146 trade size 4 3805RAC 1805 1804 1803 1806 1802 1553 3216 3804RAC 2152 2154 3803RAC 3802RAC 1808 3428 3448 3425 2150-8 3562 3426DC 3426 3422 3428DC 3566 3421DC 3421 3561 3422DC 3563 3424 3568 3808RAC 1823 1822 2142 trade size 3 1825 3214 3423DC 3423 1824 2140 trade size 2-1/2 1828 1826 3425DC 3520-8 3518-8 1209 3522 3511-8 3522-8 3516-8 3520 1205 1202 1203 1150 3524-8 1206 1207 1208 1204 3524 3514-8 3515 3518 3515-8 3513-8 3516 3541-8 3552-8 3526 3526-8 3514 3412-8 3512 3512-8 3513 3556 3401-8 3552 3552DC 3405-8 3403-8 3556DC 3401 3414 3554 3405 3403 3406-8 3408 3408-8 3410 1146 1147 1148 1210 1149 1144 3412 1211 3402 3402-8 3548-8 1142 1143 1145 3450-8 3441 3448-8 3441-8 3426-8 3452 3448 3452-8 3450 3541 3423 3423-8 3424 3428 3454-8 3425 3425-8 3426 3445-8 3454 3444 3444-8 3443-8 3446 3446-8 3515RAC 3445 3456 3456-8 3422 3442 3442-8 3443 3511 3542-8 3552 3544 3556-8 3543 3548 3422-8 3542 3546-8 3550 3550-8 3544-8 3554 3554-8 3556 3436 3432 3436-8 3432-8 3424-8 3434-8 3543-8 3545 3545-8 3434 3428-8 3430 3430-8 3546 3LL04-8 3LL05 3LL05-8 3LK88-8 3LL06 3LL06-8 3404-8 6X775 3LK88 6X773-8 6X772-8 3LL04 3LL22-8 6X774 6X771-8 6X773 3LK85-8 3LK87 3LK85 3LL08 3LL16-8 3LL17 3LL17-8 3LK87-8 3LK83 3561 3LK82 3LK83-8 3LK84 3LL08-8 3LK84-8 3LK82-8 3LL29 4A237-8 3LL26-8 3LL33 3LL28 3LL26 3LL29-8 3LL31 3LL28-8 4A235-8 4A236 4A236-8 3LL24 3LL24-8 3LL22 4A235 3402 3402DC 6X772 3401 6X770 6X770-8 6X771 6X921 6X920-8 6X921-8 4A237 6X775-8 3401DC 3LL07-8 6X774-8 6X920 1154 1703 1704 1708 3414-8 3416 1705 1161 1169 3LL07 1162 1168 1155 1160 2156 2150 2152 3LL18 2144 3406 3410-8 3404 2154 3421 3561-8 1706 2146 2164 2140 2142 1702 3416-8 2166 3LL12-8 3LL10 3LL10-8 3LL14 3LL14-8 3LL15 3LL12 3LL21 3LL18-8 3LL20 3LL21-8 3LK81-8 3LL09-8 3LL20-8 1156 1524 2160 1186 1152 1151 3LL16 3LL09 1153 2162RAC 1520 3LL15-8

CompanyThe Company that holds the listing with UL.



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