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Power Supplies for Use with Audio/Video, Information and Communication Technology Equipment

UL Listing

UL Certified

Product Code (UL CCN):
The document listing is represented by a combination of the UL CCN and File Number. A UL CCN (Category Control Number) is the code that represents the Product Category (Category Description). See below for more info on those terms.

Product CategoryThe Product Category, also known as the UL Category Description, describes the product classification under which an item or product is listed.

Power Supplies for Use with Audio/Video, Information and Communication Technology Equipment

File Number

File NumberA code UL has assigned to identify and track this listing.


Model Number(s)

Model Number(s)Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing.

NS-MWC24W2W, HKA12019063-7B, HKA09020045-012, HKA09020045-2V, WC030x51HK, CDX170-90, HKA180170A0-7C... More


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NS-MWC24W2W HKA12019063-7B HKA09020045-012 HKA09020045-2V WC030x51HK CDX170-90 HKA180170A0-7C COM20333/LPA180WU HKA06520033-016 HKA02412020-8E HKA03613029-8M RF-xxxxxxxxxxxx HK45NM14Z MD-MACA56-C HKA02412020-XG HKA02419013-8L WC0506A5HK HKA180170A0-6C TC-ACPD-95W NS-MWC24W2W-C VC56HxUH PSB-1U* HKA15019079-7C HKC02405024-012 HW-240271DZD PSA-120S* HW-24-12AC8D HKA300195A6-7D HKC03005060-022 HW-240271DZD HKA09020045-2Y MD-MACXXXXXX HKA150120A0-7C HKA036120yy-7K HKC012050yy-022 HKC03015020-022 HKA01809020-8C HKA300240A3-7D HKA09024038-8A NS-MWC12W1K HKA048120yy-7H HKA060120xx-zD PSB-14U* HKA150120A0-6C HKA15019079-6C HKC02715018-012 HKC012050yy-012 HKA12019063-6B HKA15018083-7C NS-MWC12W1K-C HW-36-12AC8D HKA090240yy-8A HW-60-12AC14D-y HW-190126D*D HKA12024050-7B HKA024120yy-2K HKA024120XX-2K HKA15018083-6C HKC0115021-2D HKA06520033-2T NS-MWC12W1W HKA024120yy-012 HKA12024050-6B HKA18024075-6C NS-MWC12W1W-C HKA18019095-7C HKA036120YY-8H HKA036120yy-2U NS-xxxxxxxxxxxx HKA024120XX-2M HKC01150yy-2D NS-PWL9180 HW-090xxxUyy PSB-7U* HKA02419013-8M MD-xxxxxxxxxxxx NS-PWL9180-C HKA06520033-2W HKA15020075-6C NS-xxxxxxxxxxxx HKA025125YY-8B HKA18024075-7C HW-190126D1D HKA15048031-7C HW-120500T*D HW-120300yyy HKA15048031-6C HKA15024063-7C HKA250190A3-7D HW-120xxxUzW PT-xxxxxxxxxxxx HKA048120xx-8A HKA090120xx-6W MD-xxxxxxxxxxxx PT-PAC65C2U NS-CKIT, HKC01809020-022 HKA04520023-2K HKA15020075-7C HKC03015020-012 HW-190126DyDy HKA15024063-6C HKA18048038-7C HKA250240A0-7D HKA18048038-6C PT-PAC65C2U-C HKC01890xx-2K HKA18019095-6C HKA036120yy-2S HKA12019063-6C HK080A-C8 HW-60-12AC14D HKA12024038-8B HKA300120B1-7D DX-xxxxxxxxxxxx HKA15036042-7C NWC9002BK PT-xxxxxxxxxxxx HKA180180A0-6B HKA12019562-6C PT-PAC90C2U HW-050yyyUxx HW-36-12AC8D-1 HKA15036042-6C DX-xxxxxxxxxxxx HKA18036050-7C HKA180180A0-7B HKA120240yy-8B HKA300150A9-7D PT-PAC90C2U-C PS-154 B, HKA060150yy-8F HKA18036050-6C HKA18020090-7C MD-MACA56 HW-120xxxUyW RF-xxxxxxxxxxxx HKA18020090-6C HKA090190yy-8U,(yy=10-46,indicate output current from1.0A to 4.6A, step is 0.1A) VC56HxUH HKA09019047-6U HKA090190yy-6U HKA048120yy-8H HKA06056011-8A NS-MACA8-C HKA090120xx-7U POE35-54A, HKA03554065-8D NS-MACA8 HKC0150503-012 HKA09019047-8U HKA036120yy-8E HKA01212010-XQ HW-100225Uyy HKA300480yy-7D HKA120480yy-7E WC065x51HK HKA65NM200 VCA7HxUH HW-100225U00 HKA06520033-6F HW-050200U02 HKA30048063-7D WC033x51HK VCB3HxUH HKC02009022-0A2 RF-xxxxxxxxxxxx BE-xxxxxxxxxxxx NS-MWC20W1W NS-MWC20W1W-C NS-xxxxxxxxxxxx MD-xxxxxxxxxxxx PT-xxxxxxxxxxxx DX-xxxxxxxxxxxx HKA06548014-7Y HKA065480yy-7Y HW-050100U01 HN-050100U01 HKA024120yy-078 HKA036190yy-6L HKA036190yy-8L HKA10022544-0A6 HKA100xxxyy-0A6 HKA10023043-0A6 HKA10021546-0A6 HKA10020548-0A6 HKA10023542-0A6 HKA10022045-0A6 HKA10021047-0A6 HKA10024042-0A6 HKA090480yy-027 HKA09048019-027 HKA03556062-7E AD-560062T*E HKC06520033-012 HKC06520033-0A2 HKA250190A3-0A7 HKA06519034-6K HKA065190yy-6K HW-100225U00 HN-100225U00 HW-120xxxUyW - HKA18038047-0A7 HKA18035051-0A7 HKA18034053-0A7 HKA18032056-0A7 PSB-18U HKA18036050-0A7 HKA18033055-0A7 HKA18037049-0A7 HKC03311030-0A2 PD-30US HW-120xxxUzW HKA036120yy-2N AD-120xxxUyW HKA018120yy-0B2 HKC02405050-012 HKA300360yy-7D VCB3HDUH HKC0055010-2G HW-560107DyD ("y" can be 0-9,A-Z,a-z,"-"or blank, represents different marketing code) HKA012120kk-012 ("kk" can be 01 to 10,means output current 0.1A to 1.0A in step of 0.1A) HKA06520033-0C2 S050200U02 SU1A24 HKA36012300-0A7 S050100U01 HKA30048063-0A7 HKA300120A5-0A7 HKA300120B1-0A7 HKA300195A5-0A7 HKA300195A3-0A7 HKA300190A6-0A7 HKA30036069-0A7 HKA300190A3-0A7 HKA30036083-0A7 HKA300240A0-0A7 HKA300240A3-0A7 HKA30048052-0A7 HKA150168yy-0A8 HKA12019063-6BA HKA12036033-7BA HKA12019063-7BA HKA12024050-6BA HKA12024050-7BA HKA12036033-6BA HKA65NM201 HKA06519533-6C AD-120xxxUyy HKA300240A0-0B7 HKA060120yy-0A7 HKA090200yy-6U x HKA11019058-0A2 HKA09020045-0A6 HKA300190A6-0B7 HKA12054022-7E HKA12052023-7E HKA065540yy-7Y VCBAHBUH AD-540278D*D HKA15054028-0A8 HKC04520023-0B2 HKA12019063-0D6 HKA090190yy-0C6 HKA09019047-0C6 HKA12019063-0C6 HKA120190yy-0C6 HW-120xxxUyy HKA18019095-0B6 HKA18036050-0A6 HKA18048038-0B6 HKA18024075-0A6 HKA18020090-0A6 HKA180180A0-0A6 HKA230195A2-0A7 HKA048120xx-0A7 HKA04812040-0A7 HW-200500U02 HKC03020015-0C2 HKA230200A2-0A7

CompanyThe Company that holds the listing with UL.



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