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Conduit Fittings

UL Listing

UL Certified

Product Code (UL CCN):
The document listing is represented by a combination of the UL CCN and File Number. A UL CCN (Category Control Number) is the code that represents the Product Category (Category Description). See below for more info on those terms.

Product CategoryThe Product Category, also known as the UL Category Description, describes the product classification under which an item or product is listed.

Conduit Fittings

File Number

File NumberA code UL has assigned to identify and track this listing.


Model Number(s)

Model Number(s)Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing.

RT-75A, CS-200P-T2, RT-50, VCPL-200, CS-400P-T2, CS-300P-T2, CS-200B, CS-250B, CS-200P-T1, VCPL-50... More


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*** Note: This page does not show all models included in this listing. Log in to the full site to see all models. ***
RT-75A CS-200P-T2 RT-50 VCPL-200 CS-400P-T2 CS-300P-T2 CS-200B CS-250B CS-200P-T1 VCPL-50 VCPL-75 CS-350B CS-300P-T1 CS-400B VCPL-150 VCPL-125 CS-250P-T1 CS-250P-T2 CS-400P-T1 VCPL-100 CS-350P-T2 RT-38 CS-300B CS-350P-T1 RT-100 RT-45-125S RT-100S RT-75S RT-200S RT-90-125S RT-90-50S RT-90-200S RT-90-100S RT-90-150S RT-45-50S RT-45-75S RT-150S RT-45-150S RT-50S RT-45-100S RT-90-75S RT-45-200S RT-125S 833 831 335 336 332 337 333 835 830 334 835 837 834 833 832 830 836 831 319ST 309BST 316ST 306ST 308BST 318ST 309ST 306BST 307ST 307BST 317ST 308ST RB200-50 RB100-75 RB125-75 RB75-50 RB100-50 RB200-75 RB50-38 RB125-100 RB125-50 RB150-125 RB200-125 RB200-100 RB200-150 RB150-75 RB150-100 RB150-50 980 984 981 985 983 963 964 961 960 834 962 965 832 982 WH-4 WH-2 WH-9 WH-10 WH-5 WH-6 WH-3 WH-1 WH-8 WH-7 45 42 40 43 44 46 41 40M 41M 42M MIB-99M 354M MIB-97M MIB-96M MIB-93M 355M 359M MIB-101M 362M MIB-90M MIB-102M 356M 352M 353M 363M 357M MIB-95M MIB-94M 360M MIB-92M MIB-91M 358M MIB-98M 351M 205SL 209SL 202SL 208SL 207SL 203SL 206SL 204SL 201SL 210SL 339 334-B 334 333 336 333-B 332-B 341 337 338 340 332 335 326ST 307 316 309 RB200-50 944-B 316ST 308BST 945 943-CPL 326 45 RT-90-150 223 944-CPL 377 RB125-50 306ST 372 40 328ST 307ST 319 319ST 836 266 316ST RB125-75 RT-90-50 RT-262 RT-90-38 327ST RB150-50 267ST 381 RT-50 942-B 308ST 306BST 974 41 317 318 RB200-150 319ST 228 318ST 317 681EMT 973 371 RT-90-100 222 225 RT-200 941-CPL 317ST RT-150 993 RT-75 6 317ST RT-90-75 306 995 RT-38 267BST RB75-50 943 267 46 42 373 226 269BST RT-38 RT-100 RB125-100 307BST 306BST 940 994 RT-125 309ST 268 44 375 308 306-B 940-B RT-90-200 309-B 941-B 318ST RB100-75 268BST 939 308ST 944 329ST 269ST 308BST 268ST RB200-125 RT-150 RB200-75 316 43 382 307-B RT-50 RT-260 RB200-100 BC-500 307ST 782 RT-200 940-CPL 266ST 306ST 266BST 941 RB150-125 379 308-B 220 307 306 RB150-100 309ST 680EMT 374 RB100-50 RT-125 309BST RT-90-125 307BST 308 979 945-B 269 RT-75 RT-261 975 227 309 RB150-75 378 939-B 945-CPL 319 943-B 942 132 329 318 309BST 942-CPL 376 944 941 945 942 943 941-CPL 939 940-CPL 940 938 260-90 780-DC 261-90 317ST 318ST 130 135-C 781-DC 381SPC 379SPC 357 MIB96 377SPC 382SPC 375SPC 378SPC 376SPC 341-B 338-B 6 333 333-B 337 336 340-B 339 335 340 339-B 332 337-B 341 335-B 336-B 334 338 332-B 334-B 335M 229M 337M RT-75A RT-50 227M RT-90-300 48 222M RT-150A 372 378 373 374 RT-125A RT-50A 230 377 RT-75 RT-90-200 339 49-A 232M 333M 336M RT-90-250 231 228M 344M 340 376 344 340M RT-38 RT-350 RT-125 230M 47M RT-90-350 49 RT-90-150 RT-90-100 338 48M 225M 339M RT-400 49M-A RT-90-400 RT-90-75 370 375 343 RT-150 RT-200 47 379 RT-90-38 232 RT-100A RT-38A 43M 338M RT-90-50 332M RT-90-125 341M 44M 229 334M RT-100 RT-200A RT-250 RT-300 231M 45M 226M 343M 371 341 49M 223M 46M 269BST 327ST 266ST 267BST 268BST 329ST 267ST 266BST 269ST 268ST 326ST 328ST WH-9 381 371 379 372 382 375 373 374 376 378 377 963 985 983 960 984 980 982 962 981 964 965 961 220 222 228 226

CompanyThe Company that holds the listing with UL.



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