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Conduit Fittings

UL Listing

UL Certified

Product Code (UL CCN):
The document listing is represented by a combination of the UL CCN and File Number. A UL CCN (Category Control Number) is the code that represents the Product Category (Category Description). See below for more info on those terms.

Product CategoryThe Product Category, also known as the UL Category Description, describes the product classification under which an item or product is listed.

Conduit Fittings

File Number

File NumberA code UL has assigned to identify and track this listing.


Model Number(s)

Model Number(s)Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing.

R82425, 382345, R82008, R82327, 382328, 82459, R82026, 82030, 382456, 63674, 63635, R82309, R82009... More


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R82425 382345 R82008 R82327 382328 82459 R82026 82030 382456 63674 63635 R82309 R82009 382306 82327 63685 R82428 82456 R82308 382305 63664 R82306 63676 63658 382060 382355 382332 82032 R82430 82309 R82426 82405 82454 R82307 R82358 82308 82404 R82359 R82330 R82046 82009 382030 63692 R82446 382055 382428 82054 82046 63686 382034 82325 R82355 82445 382360 382058 R82029 82360 382408 63657 382029 382444 82457 82358 82056 382357 82006 382410 R82007 R82326 R82060 R82356 382007 82058 382405 R82056 R82044 R82360 382010 63687 R82444 82430 R82304 382054 82427 82044 82455 82432 82458 82428 382307 63639 R82004 382460 382028 82344 82026 R82427 382427 382454 R82006 R82432 R82328 382356 382310 382404 382004 382359 82345 R82028 63688 382056 82027 82410 382430 R82034 R82005 382409 82306 82359 82357 382426 82446 382308 63659 382032 82305 382346 R82032 82005 382446 382445 82326 R82058 82407 382027 82409 R82345 63662 382344 382006 82356 382358 82007 82460 382457 82029 82444 82330 82008 82425 82034 382354 R82346 382458 82426 382009 R82344 82045 382026 R82057 63675 382059 382304 R82027 82010 63690 82028 382046 82057 382326 R82055 R82325 R82310 82307 R82445 82406 382005 382309 382425 382407 382406 R82059 82310 382057 R820010 82355 382044 382455 82055 R82305 R82045 82328 63656 R82332 382325 382045 63660 382432 382330 82060 82408 R82054 R82354 82354 63637 382459 82304 82332 R82030 82346 382327 82059 382008 R82357

CompanyThe Company that holds the listing with UL.

BTicino S.p.a.


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