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Power Circuit and Motor-mounted Apparatus - Component

UL Listing

UL Certified

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Power Circuit and Motor-mounted Apparatus - Component

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Model Number(s)

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L37S600S05J, 2DM160806CM, 2DM190106CM, A81L-0001-0124#C, F23P050S05DT(d), L18P010S05R(c), AL37S500S0... More


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L37S600S05J 2DM160806CM 2DM190106CM A81L-0001-0124#C F23P050S05DT(d) L18P010S05R(c) AL37S500S05M L18P030S05R(c) L34S500D15TC A81L-0001-0123 AL37S050S05MK2 S23P50/100D15 L37S300D15J AL37S300S05M L37P300D15 L18P025S05(c) L18P040D15L 2DD180407C A81L-0001-0174 A81L-0001-0164 L34S600D15T S42S1T0D24ZJ L34S300D15TC L37S200D15LJ L18P060S12(c) 2DM190206CM AL37S050S05J 2DM170706CM L34S200D15T S28S500D24ZJ SL18P015D15(c) L37S050D15M A81L-0001-0163 L37S500D15LJ L18P025D15-OP(c) L34S800D15 AL37S200S05MK2 L07P003S05(b) L18P060D15LS L18P060S05R(c) L18P005D15LS L18P030D15LS A81L-0001-0216_02 L34S1T0D15C AL37S050S05MK1 2DM170506CM A81L-0001-0174#C L34S1T5D15T S30S2T0D24ZM L34S400D15 L34S500D15T 2DM150906CM L18P040D15LS L37S100S05M L07P010S05(b) L18P L34S300D15C 2DM150006CM L37S400S05J L34S200D15TC L18P030S05(c) L18P025D15LS S25P050D15X, may be followed by /1. S30S2T0D24Z AL37S600S05MK1 L18P050D15L S28S500D24Z 2DM180306CM L18P010S05(c) 2DM200006CM A81L-0001-0124 L34S400D15C AL37S500S05JK1 L18P015D15(c) L34S200D15 2DM200306CM L34S800D15C AL37S300S05JK2 L18P040S05(c) A81L-0001-0216 A81L-0001-0170#C L34S1T0D15TC L18P050D15(c) L37S500D15J AL37S200S05MK1 L18P015D15LS S42S1T2D24NJ L18P030D15-OP(c) L07P003D15(b) L37S400D15LM-A F26P050S05, F26P050S05A, F26P100S05, F26P100S05A, F26P100S05B, F26P150S05 and F26P150S05A L37S300D15M L37S600D15LM-A A81L-0001-0157#C L37S050S05J L32PxxxS05BzzK L18P050S05R(c) S21S180D15JN A81L-0001-0120#C L18P030S12(c) L32PyyyS05zz L37S600D15M A81L-0001-0163#C AL37S050S05JK2 L18P015D15L F23P050S05D(d) L18P025D15L L34S500D15 2DM150706CM S27S300D15YM A81L-0001-0167#C 2DM180206CM A81L-0001-0170 AL37S300S05J SL18P010D15(c) AL37S400S05JK1 2DM180406CM 2DD200207C S29S1T0D24Z L37S400D15M 2DM200106CM 2DM170106CM L31S, followed by 050, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 or 600, followed by S, followed by 05, followed by FS. L18P025S05R(c) L37S500S05J F23P025S05D(d) 2DM160306CM AL37S100S05MK1 L18P015S12(c) L37S300S05J L37S050D15J L18P020S12(c) 2DM170606CM LA37S L37S400S05M 2DD151507C L37P500D15 L37P400D15 F23P050S05(d) A81L-0001-0175#C AL37S600S05J MDS-EX-ALC-1100H L34S300D15T L18P050D15C(c) L37S200D15LM AL37S500S05J A81L-0001-0159 A81L-0001-0122#C L18P010D15(c) L18P040D15(c) AL37S500S05MK1 F23P025S05(d) L07P025D15(b) L07P005D15(b) L37S400D15LM 2DD160808C 2DD180206C AL37S100S05J L18P060S05(c) S22P, followed by 006, 015 or 025, followed by S05, may be followed by M2 or M2S, may be followed by /xx. A81L-0001-0168 AL37S300S05MK2 AL37S400S05MK1 A81L-0001-0171 L18P040S12(c) AL37S200S05JK1 F23P025S05DT(d) 2DM190506CM AL37S050S05M A81L-0001-0165#C A81L-0001-0101 L18P050D15LS L34S300D15 2DM160406CM S27S300D15Y L37S200D15M S23P50/100D15M1 L37P600D15 A81L-0001-0179 L37S100D15LM SL18P060D15(c) F23P100S05R(d) L37S050S05M 2DM150806CM A81L-0001-0155#C L37S500D15LM-A L37S400D15J A81L-0001-0122 2DM180706CM L18P020D15LS L18P050S12(c) L34S400D15/BT 2DM190406CM A81L-0001-0158 S22P, followed by 006, 015 or 025, followed by S05, followed by P, M2P or M2SP, may be followed by /xx. L37S600D15LM 2DM190606CM L34S1T2D15 2DD200508C AL37S400S05JK2 L18P040D15C(c) F23P025S05T(d) L18P025D15C(c) L07P030S05(b) L37S500D15LM 2DM170006CM A81L-0001-0159#C 2DM170406CM L34S1T0D15 L18P015D15C(c) A81L-0001-0171#C L18P050S05(c) L37S300D15LM L37S A81L-0001-0165 L37S100D15M AL37S500S05JK2 L34S800D15T L07P030D15(b) L37S300D15LM-A AL37S600S05JK1 2DM170306CM AL37S100S05JK1 L37S300D15LJ L18P060D15/DE 2DM160006CM L37S050D15LM S26P200D15Y, may be followed by /1. L18P030D15L L34S600D15TC 2DM150606CM S42S1T0D18N/DF L37S200D15J S25P100D15X, may be followed by /1. 2DM150206CM L18P005S12(c) L18P050D15-OP(c) L07P020D15(b) L32PxxxS05Bzz 2DM200206CM L18P010D15/LS, L18P015D15/LS F23P050S05T(d) 2DM160206CM SL18P040D15(c) 2DD151008C L07P005S05(b) S30S2T0D24ZJ L18P010D15LS A81L-0001-0157 S29S1T0D24ZM L31S, followed by 050, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 or 600, followed by S, followed by 05, followed by S. L37S300S05M S28S500D24ZM L34S1T2D15TC AL37S400S05M L34S1T2D15C 2DM200406CM L37P200D15 A81L-0001-0169#C A81L-0001-0168#C L18P005D15L AL37S200S05JK2 L18P030D15(c) AL37S100S05JK2 AL37S050S05JK1 2DM170206CM L34S1T5D15 L18P060D15C(c) L37S600D15LJ S42S1T2D24N L37S100D15J L37S500D15M S29S1T0D24ZJ SL18P030D15(c) SL18P050D15(c) L18P060D15-OP(c) L37S600D15J L37S200S05M L18P005S05(c) AL37S200S05M 2DM190006CM AL37S500S05MK2 SL18P005D15(c) L37S100D15LJ L34S600D15 L18P050D15-OP/DE A81L-0001-0164#C 2DM150506CM L18P060D15L L34S1T5D15C L18P020S05(c) 2DM180606CM S23P50/100D15M2 L18P025S12(c) 2DM151006CM L34S1T5D15TC L18P040D15-OP(c) L18P040S05R(c) A81L-0001-0156#C 2DM150106CM L34S400D15T AL37S600S05MK2 L18P060D15(c) F23P100S05D(d) L37S200D15LM-A S25P150D15Y, may be followed by /1. A81L-0001-0101#C AL37S600S05JK2 A81L-0001-0175 L37S500S05M L34S400D15TC L18P015S05R(c) S42S1T2D24NM A81L-0001-0160 A81L-0001-0167 A81L-0001-0158#C L34S1T2D15T AL37S400S05J 2DM180506CM L18P010S12(c) A81L-0001-0169 F23P100S05(d) L07P010D15(b) L18P010D15C(c) L37S050D15LM-A SL18P025D15(c) L18P020D15C(c) L07P015S05(b) L18P005S05R(c) L34S800D15TC L07P015D15(b) L37S200S05J A81L-0001-0155 L34S1T0D15T L18P010D15HT/LS, L18P015D15HT/LS AL37S100S05MK2 L18P025D15(c) AL37S100S05M A81L-0001-0120 2DM160906CM F23P050S05R(d) AL37S300S05JK1 AL37S200S05J L37S600S05M L18P010D15-OP(c) 2DM150406CM L18P015S05(c) 2DM160506CM L07P025S05(b) L34S600D15C L37S400D15LJ A81L-0001-0160#C 2DM180106CM L18P020D15(c) 2DM150306CM L18P020D15L L07P020S05(b) A81L-0001-0123#C L18P015D15-OP(c) L18P020D15-OP(c) L37S100S05J 2DM180006CM L18P020S05R(c) 2DM190306CM S42S1T0D24Z SL18P003D15(c) L37P050D15 AL37S300S05MK1 L34S500D15C L37P100D15 S25P100D15Y, may be followed by /1. 2DM160606CM S42S1T0D24ZM AL37S600S05M L18P010D15L AL37S400S05MK2 A81L-0001-0177, A81L-0001-0178. (a) S22P, followed by 025, followed by S05, followed by -E. L34S200D15C 2DM170806CM 2DM200506CM SL18P020D15(c) 2DM160106CM L37S100D15LM-A 2DM160706CM L18P030D15C(c) A81L-0001-0156 L18P015D15H/LS L18P015S05C L18P010S12C , may be followed by "P" L18P050S05C L51S L18P040S12C , may be followed by "P" L18P010D15AC L18P020S12C , may be followed by "P" F02P L18P060S05RC L18P020D15AC L18P010S05RC L18P060S12C , may be followed by "P" L18P015S05RC L18P040D15AC L18P030S12C , may be followed by "P" L18P030S05RC L18P060S05C L18P030D15AC L18P030S05C L18P025S05C L18P005S05C L18P050S12C , may be followed by "P" L18P010S05C F03P L18P010D15H/LS F01P L18P020S05RC L18P060D15AC L18P050D15AC L18P005S12C L18P050S05RC L18P025D15AC LA17, followed by M or P LA17 L18P025D15H/LS L18P005S05RC L18P040S05RC L18P015D15AC L18P025S05RC L18P030D15H/LS L18P060D15H/LS (c) L18P040D15H/LS L18P020S05C L18P020D15H/LS L18P040S05C L18P050D15H/LS A81L-0001-0184 A81L-0001-0185 A81L-0001-0193 A81L-0001-0222 A81L-0001-0189 A81L-0001-0190 A81L 0001-0192 A81L-0001-0194 A81L-0001-0187 A81L-0001-0188 A81L-0001-0199 A81L-0001-0186 A81L 0001-0191 SL18P F02P L55S L37S600D15M-A L37S300D15M-A L37S050D15M-A L37S500D15M-A L37S100D15M-A L37S200D15M-A L37S400D15M-A LA16P 2DD150406C LA02P054S03 LA03P021S05 LA03P054S05 LA03P035S05 LA02P085S03 LA02P021S03 LA02P035S03 LA03P085S05 L52S L18P, followed by 001 through 065 or 01R1 through 65R1 SL18P, followed by 001 through 065 or 01R1 through 65R1 L51S, followed by 010 through 990 LA16P, F05P 2CG010BBC11N, 2CG010BBC12N, 2CG010BBC13N, 2CG010BBC14N, 2CG010BBC15N, 2CG010DBC11N and 2CG010DBC12N

CompanyThe Company that holds the listing with UL.



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