UL Product iQ™
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Power Conversion Equipment

UL Listing

UL Certified

Product Code (UL CCN):
The document listing is represented by a combination of the UL CCN and File Number. A UL CCN (Category Control Number) is the code that represents the Product Category (Category Description). See below for more info on those terms.

Product CategoryThe Product Category, also known as the UL Category Description, describes the product classification under which an item or product is listed.

Power Conversion Equipment

File Number

File NumberA code UL has assigned to identify and track this listing.


Model Number(s)

Model Number(s)Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing.

112462, 111010, 112590, 108891, 110284, 110170, 321336, 111294, 110907, 111244, 114843, 112633, 1126... More


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*** Note: This page does not show all models included in this listing. Log in to the full site to see all models. ***
112462 111010 112590 108891 110284 110170 321336 111294 110907 111244 114843 112633 112644 110272 111514 111870 111867 320176 112971 112606 112650 320643 112953 111264 111300 109631 112645 112164 112369 pwb407287: 321557 115898 112619 pwb402174: 322096 323261 111516 112611 112197 324379 112601 111496 112547 112681 112041 112576 705162 111303 111299 110489 112156 710687 112628 112523 111291 112683 111245 112198 112181 111316 705934 111242 321560 705181 109561 329579, 329580, 329581 112596 322509 112482 112607 112599 111215 329431 111510 111243 114843 112185 111292 112662 324375 317241 112678 112696 113376 112973 109962 113837 109197 109642 110439 112172 111278 112675 112653 705163 112173 112663 pwb402481: 321966 112975 112154 112201 409804 321388 325448 116124 324413 S1105 322038 324344 317847 317848 111868 112671 112187 1200-460 114240 110437 112613 111692 1230 112366 1290 112669 112680 1201 111172 112640 112954 112616 110832 320448 111877 113671 110918 112074 112959 112180 113167 112598 112595 115915 112942 117334 111276 110046 112605 112378 113355 111856 1400 112603 112614 112676 111878 322429 112643 109437 113086 709671 110426 1105-460 109174 111869 112960 112685 112665 112690 322195 109563 109145 112183 112163 111619 112684 112421 111269 111112 111546 109144 116123 115901 112068 111274 112635 112634 112593 111315 112190 111238 705930 326408 329904 112637 112622 109640 115591 112955 111679 111296 109564 112900 112972 322404 111989 112693 327398 710688 112188 319033 112498 322197 322913 322344 705933 113351 112615 111301 329630 600 329576 111013 112160 112639 110879 pwb400348: 316887 109146 112192 315503 112638 109639 112367 111240 112591 111541 111257 111183 112609 322489 108534 115900 1193 112666 112970 113333 111069 109181 113354 317423 319354 113352 111580 112976 112195 708095 112626 112654 112357 112657 1155 111281 112167 320146 112682 111237 713688 115725 113185 111262 111305 112137 110690 110386 111515 329905 325323 112159 1220-230 112046 111066 112958 113368 113339 112659 112171 113318 110442 316796 112166 112694 1200 113858 112168 111083 110930 112658 111543 111780 318826 111110 112965 112951 111539 320315 113835 112691 111042 112175 113858 1200 110561 111620 110909 705931 112602 112636 1200-380 113330 705161 111775 112672 113353 112612 111860 705182 1105 705935 700 322659 325681 112629 113350 112558 112617 108544 111011 112363 112648 112362 112722 112664 112963 112153 325203 111865 112557 112641 317685 321812 1201 112177 112594 110908 1110 112413 111513 112291 319437 112646 112446 800 111875 111857 109420 111873 323-570 109613 112660 112977 112166 112661 112191 112199 111111 112668 112176 111279 321228 111307 319788 1220-460 112962 112157 111298 329659 322350 112522 330015 108532 111859 112689 322969 705932 112358 112548 111263 1100 112597 110285 111621 320670 1120 109205 110403 111307 112152 112165 321557 112620 111050 109309 110490 111505 111548 112370 112969 112667 2493 112956 116125 112630 112652 323863 318816 112193 1200-230 111855 320641 112151 111874 322668 113027 112144 319156 115723 111304 112589 112649 112194 108771 109306 320642 112686 1110, followed by 230 109562 330017 708096 113212 330019 110171 113220 112974 111275 112674 111512 111544 112718 112365 112621 111858 326247 110273 330020 112688 111239 109204 112677 112600 112679 112162 112161 111618 110685 111236 705183 111280 321849 113211 112169 115819 109312 410778 112521 112655 115899 320106 114843 320324 112182 112604 108752 111866 112631 110404 108516 111293 320102 329740 110440 112692 110016 111266 119437

CompanyThe Company that holds the listing with UL.



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